( ( all good
@helloworld @Lediomar all good
( ( This is a test. Nevermind it.
@Lediomar @helloworld This is a test. Nevermind it.
( This is a test of character limits on lemmy server. It seems like mastodon titles goto post titles in lemmy which are limited to 200, whereas masto
@helloworld This is a test of character limits on lemmy server. It seems like mastodon titles goto post titles in lemmy which are limited to 200, whereas mastodon have a much higher limit. It seems like mastodon titles goto post titles in lemmy which are limited to 200, whereas mastodon have a much higher limit. It seems like mastodon titles goto post titles in lemmy which are limited to 200, whereas mastodon have a much higher limit. The limit is 12345123451234512345123451234512345123451234512