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Forest Defender Maria Cruz Paz Zamora Detained by Michoacán Authorities

Indigenous Council in Michoacán Protests for the Freedom of Detained Forest Defender

[! María Cruz Paz Zamora]( [! Mexico](


Supreme Court to Rule on the Freedom of Indigenous Mazatec Community Organizer Miguel Peralta


Urgent Call for Solidarity with Mexican Anarchists Miguel Peralta and Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel Urgent Call for Solidarity with Mexican Anarchists

A call for solidarity with Mexican anarchists Miguel Peralta Betanzos and Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel Muñoz. What’s Happening with Yorch? Yorch is a political prisoner who is facing fabricated criminal charges as a part of an ongoing attack against the "Okupache" squat in Mexico City. He has been locked ...

Urgent Call for Solidarity with Mexican Anarchists

The sentencing of anarchist prisoner Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel and a call for action and solidarity


An update on the sentencing of anarchist prisoner Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel and a call for action and solidarity

Urgent call for solidarity!

On Monday, June 3, 2024, one day after the elections and five days from marking 18 months of being kidnapped in the Reclusorio Oriente as part of the set up against the Okupache squat, our compañero was notified that the judge had sentenced him to seven years and six months in prison. He has three days to appeal the decision.

Seven years and six months of an absurd sentence when up until now all the evidence presented, both by his defense as well as the prosecution, has shown that there exists no proof whatsoever to support the fabricated and totally false charges against him. However, it is clear to us yet again that there is a concerted effort directed against our compañero to keep him locked up as long as possible, given that this is a key part of the campaign by UNAM authorities to discredit Okupache in order to justify and gain sympathy for an eventual eviction of the autonomous space of self-managed work that has existed and resisted for almost a quarter of a century.

We issue an urgent international call to organize agitation and solidarity with Yorch to demand the repeal of his sentence and for his immediate freedom.

Let’s rip our compañero from the claws of this corrupt and unaccountable State that jails, disappears, and kills those who fight!

Fire to the prisons!

Yorch on the street!

Okupa Che: “Yorch to the Streets”

Statement from the Okupa Che regarding the recent conviction and sentence of anarchist prisoner Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel

On the morning of June 3, the Fifth District Federal Court in Mexico City dictated a sentence of seven years and six months in prison against our compa Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel.

Just a few hours following the media show they call elections, the state decided that it was a good moment to sentence him, after already holding him in prison for nearly 18 months.

It is clear that the set up against Yorch is directly related to the change in the governmental administration, including the change in the rector of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). As we know, to speak of the eviction of the Okupa Che is a campaign talking point that cannot be missed. Furthermore, it is constantly used to divert attention when university authorities are questioned by the community. The incompetence and fascism of the UNAM is becoming ever more visible, even to the proudest university students.

It is obvious that we are a menace to the university. For them, it is more important to eliminate the threat posed by a space that doesn’t depend on any institution or political party, than to attend to the demands of their students and their “community” whom the same authorities beat, expel, detain, discriminate against, harass, rape, revictimize, and kill (classic move of the institutions).

It is also clear that this set up against Yorch is another attack on Okupa Che and those that organize in the space. The attacks have taken a variety of forms: harassment; persecution; media attacks; internet, radio, and television broadcasts that speak of the space as a problem of national security; espionage on part of the UNAM, the different police, and pseudo intelligence agencies; cutting off the water and electricity in the space; hacking of electronic devices; creation of false posters with names and photos accusing us of carrying arms and explosives supposedly pertaining to this or that organization; or whatever other tactics they come up with. These attacks, which have continued for the 24 years that the space has existed, have not been and will not be sufficient to destroy the autonomous, self-organized, and horizontal organization of the Okupa Che and of the different spaces/collectives/communities/individuals scattered around the world, where the message of resistance is also clear and direct:

We will not take one step back!

Regarding Yorch’s case, we will continue fighting, his legal defense who will exhaust all the different resources of this dirty game, and from this side of the bars, from the Okupa Che, and from the different latitudes and hearts willing to fight for his freedom…

End the set up!

Freedom for our compañero Jorge Esquivel!

Occupy and resist!

Not one step back in the face of whatever repression attempt!

No aggression without a response!

Yorch to the streets!

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Indigenous Land Defender David Hernandez Salazar Facing 46 Years in Prison Indigenous Land Defender David Hernández Salazar Facing 46 Years in Prison

Communique from the Community Assembly of Puente Madera and the Assembly of Indigenous Peoples of the Isthmus in Defense of Land and Territory (APIIDTT) demanding the revocation of the conviction and sentence against David Hernández Salazar. We energetically reject the sentence handed down against D...

Indigenous Land Defender David Hernández Salazar Facing 46 Years in Prison

New Zine on the Case of Anarchist Miguel Peralta New Zine on the Case of Anarchist Miguel Peralta

Announcing a new printable zine about Indigenous anarchist, Miguel Peralta, persecuted by the Mexican state. Compilation of writings, letters, communiques, reflections, updates, and actions in the struggle against the political persecution and for the freedom of Miguel Peralta Betanzos, Indigenous M...

New Zine on the Case of Anarchist Miguel Peralta

Statement from Mexican Anarchist Prisoner Tiara Tempestad Statement from Mexican Anarchist Prisoner Tiara Tempestad

Message from Mexican anarchist prisoner Tiara Tempestad following the recent fundraiser to cover the fine related to her sentence. On December 12, I reached the halfway point of my sentence which I began three years and four months ago. Since the day of my detention, a difficult process began for pe...

Statement from Mexican Anarchist Prisoner Tiara Tempestad

Solidarity with Miguel Peralta and Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón Solidarity with Miguel Peralta and Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón

Statement from the Group of Solidarity with Miguel Peralta to mark nine years since the attack on the community assembly of Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, and the subsequent state repression, political imprisonment, and persecution carried out against the community. Nine years have passed since a vio...

Solidarity with Miguel Peralta and Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón

We celebrate the freedom of comrade Manuel Gómez Vázquez, EZLN Support Base

Within the framework of the 40 years of the EZLN we celebrate the freedom of comrade Manuel Gómez

His freedom is thanks to the struggle and commitment of civil society that managed to move the balance with its actions of social demonstration.

Yesterday Manuel Gómez Vázquez, support base of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (BAEZLN), political prisoner of Mayan-Tseltal origin, regained his freedom after two years, 11 months and seven days of being held hostage by the government of Chiapas. arbitrarily deprived of his freedom at the State Center for the Social Reintegration of Sentenced Persons (Cerss) number 16 in Ocosingo.

We know that his case is not isolated, but is part of a pattern of repression against defenders and activists of indigenous peoples in Chiapas. This repression is not only directed against him personally, the intention of the State is to undermine or wear down the organizational processes and communities of which they are part, in this case towards the Zapatista autonomous project.

On this occasion, the solidarity of civil society managed to move the balance to obtain his freedom. It was only with the increase of his voices and different forms of demands that his oral trial hearing was finally held and his freedom was obtained.

Manuel was arrested on December 4, 2020, in complicity between the municipal authorities of Ocosingo and the Indigenous Justice Prosecutor's Office, he was tortured, disappeared for four days and unjustly accused of a crime that he did not commit.

From September 2022 to November 2023, the Indigenous Justice Prosecutor's Office (FJI) and the Judiciary of Chiapas complicitly rescheduled, on three occasions, the start of the oral trial hearing. The bottom line was that the FJI could not present the testimonies it had fabricated against him, preferring to postpone its simulation strategy at the expense of Manuel's freedom, exceeding the constitutional term of two years of informal preventive detention. The FJI's inability to present the fabricated testimonials was enough to make its simulation strategy visible.

From Frayba we thank you and remember that we still need to snatch from the clutches of repression the Ch'ol comrade José Díaz Gómez, BAEZLN and the five Tseltal defender comrades of San Juan Cancúc. Therefore, we invite you to stay up to date to also mobilize in his favor, until all political prisoners obtain their freedom.

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Also covered by Abolition Media


Immediate release for José Díaz Gómez, an EZLN support base Immediate release for José Díaz Gómez, an EZLN support base

To the national and international SixthTo the signatories to the Declaration for LifeTo the honest mediaTo those who struggle for truth and justice From the Network of Resistances and Rebellions Aj…

Immediate release for José Díaz Gómez, an EZLN support base

Solidarity requested by Network of Resistances and Rebellions Ajmaq:

> We invite designers, visual artists and people of good heart to make graphic materials for the freedom of José Díaz Gómez, so that they can be spread through social-digital networks, streets and squares. These graphic materials will be received in digital format from August 24, 2023 to the mail ajmaq_chiapas at

Endorsement from EZLN:

> Unconditional freedom for Manuel Gómez Vázquez (taken hostage since 2020 by the state government of Chiapas) and José Díaz Gómez (hostage since last year), indigenous Zapatista bases imprisoned for that reason, for being Zapatistas.

-- Captain Insurgent Marcos

Endorsement from the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba):

> The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba) demands the immediate freedom of the Support Base of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (BAEZLN) José Díaz Gómez (José Díaz), who has been arbitrarily deprived of his freedom for eight months in the State Center for Social Reintegration of Sentenced Persons No. 17 "El Bambú", in Catazajá, Chiapas.

English language sources about FRAYBA - sweFOR, OMCT

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Manuel Gómez Vázquez, Prisoner for His Struggle Manuel Gómez Vázquez, Prisoner for His Struggle - Schools for Chiapas

Many say it is madness to resist the system, but in reality, it is madness not to resist it, wrote Mumia Abu-Jamal, the black panther who has been a political prisoner for 41 years and recognizes the contributions of the Zapatista struggle. Manuel Gómez Vázquez is one of those who resist the system,...

Manuel Gómez Vázquez, Prisoner for His Struggle - Schools for Chiapas


> Manuel Gómez Vázquez has been unjustly imprisoned for two years and five months. He belongs to the Mayan-Tzeltal people, speaks little Castilian, is 22 years old and is a peasant farmer. He was illegally detained on December 4, 2020 by an armed civilian group and community authorities. Manuel was tortured and treated cruelly. One day after his arrest, he was handed over to the Municipal Public Security Secretariat of Ocosingo, Chiapas, and to investigative police from the Indigenous Justice Prosecutor’s Office of the State Attorney General’s Office. It was not until December 9, five days after his illegal detention, that Manuel was handed over to a court. It is worth noting that at the time of Manuel’s arrest, the municipal president of Ocosingo, as well as the governor of the state of Chiapas, belonged to Morena.

Original language text

Endorsement from EZLN:

> Unconditional freedom for Manuel Gómez Vázquez (taken hostage since 2020 by the state government of Chiapas) and José Díaz Gómez (hostage since last year), indigenous Zapatista bases imprisoned for that reason, for being Zapatistas.

-- Captain Insurgent Marcos

Endorsement from The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba):

> In Chiapas there is a justice system that criminalizes defenders of human rights, land and territory, fabricates crimes and culprits, such as the case of the five companions of San Juan Cancuc, the two companions of San Jerónimo Bachajón , and Manuel Gómez Vázquez Support Base of the EZLN, as well as Bersaín Velasco García, both from the municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas, all Tseltal indigenous people. Today we demand their freedom and an end to criminalization.

English language sources about FRAYBA - sweFOR, OMCT

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Eight Years Since the Detention of Fidencio Aldama Eight Years Since the Detention of Fidencio Aldama

A statement from the Fidencio Aldama Support Group announcing an end to its activities. La versión en español sigue a la versión en inglés This past October 27 marked eight years since the detention of the Yaqui ex-political prisoner Fidencio Aldama. This year we marked the date under a different se...

Eight Years Since the Detention of Fidencio Aldama

Fidencio Aldama: Freedom as a Bargaining Chip used by the Government Fidencio Aldama: Freedom as a Bargaining Chip used by the Government - Freedom for Fidencio Aldama

So long as Fidencio has to set foot in a prison, he is not free and remains a political prisoner and a hostage of the state.

Fidencio Aldama: Freedom as a Bargaining Chip used by the Government - Freedom for Fidencio Aldama

Excerpt: > Why so much eagerness to free Fidencio? The urgency to free our compañero on Friday, July 14, arose from the need of those in charge of implementing the Yaqui Justice Plan in Sonora for his freedom to coincide with the visit of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on July 15 and 16 to supervise works related to the Seri Justice Plan, Irrigation District 1, and the Yaqui Justice Plan, where one of the central demands of the traditional authorities of Loma de Bácum was the freedom of Fidencio Aldama. Everything is clear, they never had the intention of recognizing Fidencio’s innocence. Both the government of Claudia Pavlovich, who fabricated the accusation, and the MORENA government of Alfonso Durazo, have used and continue to use political imprisonment as punishment for those who oppose their political and economic interests, and use freedom as a bargaining chip to continue advancing the megaprojects of foreign companies, the exploitation of natural resources, and the plundering of the water and lands of the Yaqui Tribe.


Letter from Anarchist Prisoner Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel Letter from Anarchist Prisoner Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel

Update from Mexican anarchist prisoner Jorge "Yorch" Esquivel. Hi compas, As you know, they prolonged my legal process once again. This makes me angry, sad, and distressed because I don't know when they are going to tell me if I will stay here or if I will be freed. Now I have another hearing schedu...

Letter from Anarchist Prisoner Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel

Excerpt: >As you know, they prolonged my legal process once again. This makes me angry, sad, and distressed because I don’t know when they are going to tell me if I will stay here or if I will be freed. Now I have another hearing scheduled for October 23, about another month and a half in here. I’m calm, but there are moments in which I can’t stand it. Last week I was forced into a fight because I couldn’t stand the provocations from another prisoner. Fortunately, I didn’t have any more serious problems and everything ended well and I wasn’t sent to punishment (part of the prison).


Jorge is being criminalized as part of an ongoing attack against the “okupache” squat in Mexico City. Despite the overwhelming evidence that proves his innocence, the arbitrary arrests and police brutality he has been subjected to, and a legal case that have been plagued with irregularities since day one of this set up, Jorge remains injustly locked up in the Reclusorio Oriente prison. His hearings have been constantly postponed, which is a common practice with political prisoners in Mexico since it allows the State to draw out the legal process so as to keep them in prison as long as possible.

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