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Sasha from Operation Renata is finally free!

After a long period of house arrest for the final sentence linked to the “Renata” operation – for which Agnese, Rupert, Poza and Nico are still doing their sentence – from today Sasha is finally free!

More about Operation Renata.


Netherlands: Streets in Amsterdam Renamed with stickers in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito | Inferno Urbano Olanda: Rinominate alcune strade di Amsterdam con degli adesivi in solidarietà con Alfredo Cospito | Inferno Urbano

Riceviamo e pubblichiamo: Da oltre dieci anni, il nostro compagno Alfredo Cospito è tenuto prigioniero nelle carceri italiane. Da quando il nuovo governo

Olanda: Rinominate alcune strade di Amsterdam con degli adesivi in solidarietà con Alfredo Cospito | Inferno Urbano

Machine Translation:

> For over ten years, our comrade Alfredo Cospito has been held prisoner in Italian prisons. Since the new fascist government came to power, the prison regime has been deliberately tightened. Alfredo is kept in solitary confinement and treated as if he were one of the worst mafia bosses. > > For over three months he has been protesting against the inhumane prison conditions to which he is subjected with a hunger strike. His physical condition worsens day by day, without the fascist government lifting a finger to alleviate his situation. They claim that he is part of a terrorist organization, an anarchist cell that he himself continues to lead from prison (!). > > We stand by Alfredo Cospito and ask for an immediate improvement in his prison conditions. For now, as a minimum gesture of solidarity, we have renamed some of the streets of Amsterdam, and covered several buildings with stickers with Alfredo's name. > > Declare your solidarity with Alfredo! Declare your solidarity with his ideas! Raise your fist against the Italian fascist regime!

Alfredo Cospito at Prisoner Solidarity