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Maja T. is one of eighteen people accused of disrupting a march to “honor” Nazi war criminals Antifa International - Maja T. is one of eighteen people accused...

Maja T. is one of eighteen people accused of disrupting a march to “honor” Nazi war criminals, held annually in Budapest and attracting all manner of fascist filth from all over Europe. On June 28, 2024, Maja was extradited from a prison in Dresden, Germany to Hungary, where she could be sentenced ...

Antifa International - Maja T. is one of eighteen people accused...

[! Maja]( [! Germany](


Maja was abducted to Budapest! - ABC Dresden Maja was abducted to Budapest! - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

Maja has been in Hungary since June 28, 2024 10 am!Now in the same prison where Ilaria was! We are […]

Maja was abducted to Budapest! - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

[! Maja]( [! Germany](


Free Maja Demo in Dresden - ABC Dresden FREE MAJA DEMO IN DRESDEN | SATURDAY 29.06.2024 | 18:00 | SCHLOSSPLATZ - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

The Berlin Court of Appeal ruled on Thursday evening that Maja, left-wing, anti-fascist and queer, should be extradited to Hungary, […]

FREE MAJA DEMO IN DRESDEN | SATURDAY 29.06.2024 | 18:00 | SCHLOSSPLATZ - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

[! Maja]( [! Germany](


#FreeBenni: The arrest warrant for Benni has been cancelled - ABC Dresden #FreeBenni: Cancellation of the arrest warrant for attempted murder - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

On Friday, June 21, 2024, Benni was released from pre-trial detention. The arrest warrant against him was lifted by the […]

#FreeBenni: Cancellation of the arrest warrant for attempted murder - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

[! Benni]( [! Germany](


Update on Maja's Budapest trial Update Budapest trial - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

Maja has been in extradition custody in Dresden prison since the beginning of March this year. Maja was arrested in […]

Update Budapest trial - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

[! Maja]( [! Germany](


Update on Andreas Krebs – harassment, role of social workers, ray of hope Gespräche um Knast - Update zu Andreas - Schikanen, Rolle von Sozialarbeiter*innen, Lichtblick - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

Andreas Krebs ist seit seiner Überführung aus Italien nun seit mehr als einem Jahr in der JVA Tegel in Berlin. […]

Gespräche um Knast - Update zu Andreas - Schikanen, Rolle von Sozialarbeiter*innen, Lichtblick - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

> Andreas Krebs has been in the Tegel Prison in Berlin for more than a year since his transfer from Italy. The prison in Berlin is always known for harassing Andreas and other prisoners. Due to Andreas' political views, there are repeated actions by security against Andreas, be it cell searches or delays in doctor's appointments. But the social workers also play their part in the repression.

[! Andreas Krebs]( [! Germany](


Update Finn Siebers - Finn will be now in Waldheim prison Update Finn - Finn will be now in Waldheim prison - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

The judgement against Finn is now final. This means that Finn will be transferred from Leipzig to Waldheim. Although Finn […]

Update Finn - Finn will be now in Waldheim prison - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden


[! Finn Siebers]( [! Germany](


Update & greeting from Maja - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden Update & greeting from Maja - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

Maja has now been in custody in Dresden prison for three months. Maja was arrested on the basis of a […]

Update & greeting from Maja - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

[! Maja]( [! Germany](


Call for donations for Benni (English translation in post text) Spendenaufruf für Benni - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

repost von Seit dem 05. Januar sitzt unser Gefährte Benni in der JVA Leipzig in Untersuchungshaft. Ihm wird vorgeworfen, an Tag X in Leipzig, bei den Protesten in Reaktion auf das Urteil im Antifa- Ost Prozess, einen Brandsatz auf die Schläger vo...

Spendenaufruf für Benni - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

> Our companion Benni has been in custody in the Leipzig JVA since January 5th. He is accused of having thrown an incendiary device at the USK Dachau thugs on Day X in Leipzig, during the protests in response to the verdict in the Antifa-Ost trial. In addition to the accusation, which has been spread thousands of times, of a particularly serious case of breach of the peace for simply taking part in the demonstration, he is accused of attempted murder. > > The investigation and the arrest warrant became known on November 23rd, 2023, when the cops once again carried out a large-scale raid against the autonomous scene in Leipzig and tried in vain to kidnap him from a court case regarding the LuWi-71 occupation using a masked MEK. Benni, the comrade condemned to pre-trial detention, did not appear in court that day, which turned out to be a great stroke of luck. He turned himself in on January 5, 2024. But we can't talk about voluntary behavior here, but rather about the bitter realization that freedom ends as soon as your name appears on the detention order. Money is needed for legal fees, life behind bars and solidarity work!

> Donation account:

Account holder: Rote Hilfe Leipzig IBAN: DE88 4306 0967 4007 2383 05 Keyword: Free Benni

> Donations can also be dropped off every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Open Anarchist Network Leipzig on E125 ( > > You can reach the solidarity group at: free_benni(at) > > Freedom, happiness and strength for those in hiding! > Love and trust to all antifascists! > > Freedom for Benni!


[! Benni]( [! Germany](


Thomas Meyer-Falk is finally free!!! Thomas Meyer-Falk is finally free!!! - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

The most beautiful news during the International Week of Solidarity for Anarchist Prisoners! Thomas Meyer-Falk has finally been released from prison after almost 27 years of imprisonment. We are very happy about this news!We are happy for you Thomas and wish you all the best for a new start in freed...

Thomas Meyer-Falk is finally free!!! - Anarchist Black Cross Dresden

[! Thomas Meyer-Falk]( [! Germany](