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What should every young person do?

For the purpose of this question, the target age range is 20-30. Asking because I feel like I'm wasting my youth.


If Project 2025 becomes a reality. Would you fight in a civil war?


Lemmings that have spent some time in a rehab, what was your experience like?

Do you feel like it helped you or hurt you or left you about the same? Do you feel like you are a better person now because of that experience?


My high schooler worked at a fast food joint. Recently he encountered one of his underage coworkers under the influence of meth, which she said was given by management. What to do?

My son is afraid of reporting this to police because many of his friends work there, and he's afraid of retaliation at school for being a "snitch". This is not the first time he's witnessed something very wrong and had to report it, that time to police, and he was targeted at school both physically and just with asshole kids treating him the way they do (while also influencing others).

Management made up an excuse and fired my son after it became apparent that he knew about the meth situation and was not ok with it.

He does want corporate to know all of this and take action, so we plan to report it to them.

Part of the trouble is this: My SO's daughter had a similar situation at another fast food joint, it was reported to corporate, and the response was basically "we can't do anything because that location is a franchise". The problem manager in that instance was promoted soon afterward.

I'm not sure if my son's restaurant is corporate owned or franchise. If it's a franchise as I fear, and corporate will take no action, what recourse can we take without police?

I'm super pissed my son was exposed to this and I'm concerned for the girl that informed him, not to mention the other employees. This obviously cannot stand, but I also don't want to ruin my son's social life over it. I remember being a high schooler, it's hard enough without being targeted by jerks.

EDIT: Thank you for all the replies. I plan to wait awhile to give my son some distance, then contact police. To all who said we live in a broken place, you're right, and if we could move immediately we would. It helps to get outside perspectives on stuff like this, and I appreciate all your replies.

Also fuck Spez!


How do you relate to others outside of pop culture?

I'm still not sure if that's exactly how I want to put that question, but it's the best that comes to mind at the moment. This isn't asked as though you're totally oblivious to or avoidant of pop culture (see defining terms), but closer to like maybe someone on a casual diet or something.

defining terms

For the purposes of this post I mean pop culture in the mostly literal sense of popular culture, so box office hit movies, big sports events, major album releases, big budget video games, etc.

--- It seems kind of hard to figure out how or what to relate to people with if it isn't through questions like, "Hey did you see [the game/recent big movie/etc.]?" or other times like, "Do you play or have you played [major game release]?"

You don't want to kill the conversation before it's even started, but it can be almost unavoidable when opened like that and you haven't yet experienced that bit of pop culture or whathaveyou. It gets a little more clunky if you may have (a little) and you didn't really click with it, but at least there's a little more room for conversation then.