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Saving x11 configs?

I'm running an nvidia card on X11 Plasma 6, with a 4K monitor alongside a QHD monitor. Both monitors are the same physical size, despite being different resolutions, so in the nvidia settings app, I've got the second X screen setup to generate 4K but downscale it to QHD in the output. It makes the second screen slightly blurry, but it's worth it for the ability to move windows back and forth without dealing with different resolutions.

The problem is, no matter what I do, I can't make the changes "stick". The nvidia applet has an option to save it to the x.conf file, and I've verified that it has done so in a text editor. But every time I boot, I have to change it in the nvidia settings applet again.

Is there something I'm missing with the way arch/kde handles x conf files? How do I make it stick between reboots?


Missing audio with MPV + Wayland

So I know my setup is really niche, but here goes nothing

  • I am using Arch Pi on Pi 4
  • Installed cage as a lightweight Wayland compositor
  • Installed mpv + wireplumber + pipewire

I am not quite sure how to use cage to launch a simple "Wayland session (if it even makes sense)", so that I can send MPV to that display. So I tried cage -s alacritty :1, and it does launch alacritty with it detecting that it is on wayland.

But when I do DISPLAY=:1 mpv ...., the video runs, but there's no audio. Also there's no errors shown on mpv either.

The other thing of note is that I tried cage -s Xwayland :1 and the audio+video works perfectly.

So in all:

  1. How do I launch cage to spawn a simple Wayland session? Is this even possible?
  2. How do I solve the audio issue on Wayland?

EDIT: Thanks all for the help. After some investigation, I found out the pipewire somehow is not ran on startup of alacritty, but it did for Xwayland. I noticed that the first play of the video would be audio-less on alacritty, and subsequent ones are fine. It seems like the first run causes pipewire to be started and thus I wrongfully assumed that the daemon was running.

Still strange nonetheless...