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Invalid search results. (images in comments)

Edit: I can now post and view cat pics. Yay!

Searching for "cat" or "cats" yields [email protected] with Connect, but not from web. "cat" is an invalid community.

[email protected] should be correct community and listed in search results.


Is this a limitation of Lemmy, or of the app?

That's a 30 comment thread. The reply button disappears around 20ish comments. I'm curious if the app can even do anything to make things like this readable.

Edit: Issue resolved. Download new update of Connect, version 173


Memory Leak

App crashing after scrolling a while. Videos, gifs, scrolling quickly seems to hasten to process. Has LeakCanary been integrated to check?

Phone: S23 OS: 13 & 14


Feature Request: Allow different text sizes for posts, titles, and comments

Right now, I have the general text size set to medium. This works great for titles and posts, but the comments are really tiny. It would be nice to separately set text sizes for different types of texts so that comments are easier to read.

(Unsure if this is a bug, user error, or feature request—let me know if I tagged incorrectly.)