Weird Development Issue
I have mixed some ECN-2 chemistry according to Kodak's guide. Unfortunately I am having some issues with development.
The pictures at the end of the roll are way less dense than the start and middle. This happened to two distinct rolls in the same tank, and I don't think I just happened to underexpose the last 12 or so images on each.
here is the good part of a roll
Here is the extremely underdeveloped part of the same roll
The weird thing is that the edge markings are developed throughout the whole roll. Any idea why this is happening to me?
You stop developing film for the better part of a year and \suddenly\ the chemicals expire \smh my head\ ( (
You stop developing film for the better part of a year and \suddenly\ the chemicals expire \smh my head\ #analog #analogphotography #filmphotography @analogcommunity
Update: So apparently hydrogen peroxide can do wonders to a lense :p f4.5 f11
Though I don’t have a resource list at hand, there’s a Learn Camera Repair group on Facebook with lots of handy resources and members. I would recommend joining and reading through a few of the posts for guides and resources.
Less than HP5. Example here: