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Essential tools for retaining sanity and productivity between contracts:

Essential tools for retaining sanity and productivity between contracts: \- sunsama daily planning \- trello + #GTD method \- @logseq for notes & journalling

Trello+GTD info here:


Been trying trying out . I love that I can just dump everything and it will organize it for me! What I like: #notes are stored locally in markdown files (can backup w github), #orgmode

Been trying trying out @logseq. I love that I can just dump everything and it will organize it for me! What I like: #notes are stored locally in markdown files (can backup w github), #orgmode compatibility, and ofc #foss. Althought I'd love to see a #vim editing plugin :)


( and ( (( : A Complete Guide


Hm, ( requires a contributors license agreement (CLA ( ) to sign over all contributor's code to the company, so does the [@jop

Hm, @logseq requires a contributors license agreement (CLA #cla ) to sign over all contributor's code to the company, so does the @joplinapp, with @joplinapp also having the server component source-available.

@obsidian is closed-source, wants $50/yr for a commercial license, paired with their $10/mo for sync - that's a lot of dollars for note taking.

Alternatives, anyone? Ideally open source to which I can contribute financially, without a CLA that will inevitably mean a change in licensing.


( is incredibly good. Just sayin'.

@logseq is incredibly good. Just sayin'.

\#logseq #enthusiastic


Switching from Readwise Reader + ( to ( + ( is a bit bumpy, but worth it to support [#Ope

Switching from Readwise Reader + @obsidian to @omnivore + @logseq is a bit bumpy, but worth it to support #OpenSource.


Ugh. So frustrated with iClouds unreliable syncing across devices. I use (, but it relies on iCloud doing its job. Which it ain't.

Ugh. So frustrated with iClouds unreliable syncing across devices. I use @logseq, but it relies on iCloud doing its job. Which it ain't.

Looks like I'll have to move to Dropbox for syncing, which means reinstalling it everywhere since there's no config setting (that I can find) to tell it where to look for its files.


I'been using ( for a couple of weeks. In the beginning it was kind of unusual. Then, I got used to it and now I feel myself comfortable. I love notetaking again.

I'been using @logseq for a couple of weeks. In the beginning it was kind of unusual. Then, I got used to it and now I feel myself comfortable. I love notetaking again.


Liebe ( , weil ich damit so schön YouTube Videos kommentieren kann. Cooles Tool.

Liebe @logseq , weil ich damit so schön YouTube Videos kommentieren kann. Cooles Tool.


( hi guys, when will we see the implementation of the new logo?

@logseq hi guys, when will we see the implementation of the new logo?