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Will push there be a push notifications feature?

Out of curiosity will sync for lemmy have push notifications?

Was on Memmy's discord and found an intersting problem with push notifications. Currently lemmy doesn't have any way to send push notifiations (via api or webhooks). In Memmy's case the dev is relying on frequent polling (say one request per min). A problem with this though is its increadibly bandwith intensive. For just 800 users there is 3gb of bandwith used for memmy's polled notifications. If scaled to sync would mean 30 terabytes of bandwith daily (based this communities 10,000 user subscribers at a poll rate of one request a min).


Push notifications

Hi guys, out of curiosity when you used reddit sync did you use the notifications feature?

If so did you use push notifications from the official reddit app or polled notifications (ie sync checkes every 60min, 2hrs, etc)?

Lastly hypothetically if sync for lemmy had notifications features similar to sync for reddit would you use star/continue to use instant push notifications/polling based push notifications?

Curious on your thoughts.