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The Haskell Unfolder Episode 18: computing constraints The Haskell Unfolder Episode 18: computing constraints

Sometimes, for example when working with type-level lists, you have to compute with constraints. For example, you might want to say that a constraint holds for all types in a type-level list. In this episode, we will explore this special case of type-level programming in Haskell. We will also revisi...

The Haskell Unfolder Episode 18: computing constraints

The Haskell Unfolder Episode 17: circular programs

A circular program is a program that depends on its own result. It may be surprising that this works at all, but laziness makes it possible if output becomes available sooner than it is required. In this final episode of 2023, which will be longer than usual (probably 45-60 minutes), we will take a look at several examples of circular programs: the classic yet somewhat contrived RepMin problem, the naming of bound variables in a lambda expression, and breadth-first labelling.