Glassy and Classy Neovim

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> Dots: > Neovim: > > This neovim config is build with nixvim.
Switching to Kanagawa

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> * GitHub Repository: Snowflake (Nix Flake) > * Distribution: NixOS > * Keyboard Manager: KMonad > * Window Manager: XMonad > * Status-Bar: Taffybar > * Display Manager: LightDM-mini-greeter > * GTK Theme: Kanagawa GTK > * Icon Theme: Kanagawa Icons > * Cursor Theme: Bibata-Cursor (Modern-Classic) > * Font: Victor Mono Nerd Font > * Terminal: Alacritty \+ Tmux > * Editor: Emacs \- Irkalla (Emacs Conf) > * Wallpaper: Ismail Inceoglu - Chaos Invoked > * Browser: Firefox > > Everything else not listed in this comment can be found in the repository linked above.
I love inflicting pain on myself, so here's my self-made taskbar.

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> Yep, this is me with my own taskbar. I only thought about if I could, never stopping to ever consider whether I should.
High Density

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> Simple additions to the default theme of XMonad. > > I have taken inspiration from liskin's dotfiles here ( because he does the high density thing very well, I am trying to replicate the looks of his setup in my config, his one still looks way better in my opinion. > > Dotfiles:
Old Pywal Setup

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> I made This old setup a couple of years ago that was (nearly) fully automated with Pywal. I don't think I have the source for most of it anymore, but here is what I remember using: > > WM: xmonad > Terminal: Alacritty + fish + starship > Bar: Polybar > App launcher: Rofi, based on adi1090x's themes > Clock widget: Conky, using a custom background made in Inkscape > Text editor: Micro / VSCode > Firefox theme: blurredfox > Spotify theme: spicetify

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> Some of my nixos config running on a raspberry-pi. > Dots:

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> terminal : urxvt > shell : fish > shellprompt : starship > compositor : picom > RSS reader : newsboat > web browser : w3m > file manager : vifm + w3mimgdisplay