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Wintermute is the first fediverse chess tournament winner!

1st place wintermute

2nd; liwott

3rd; straight peach

4th; sexy peach

5th; michael

6th; me

(Sorry about delay, been busy)

Until proven otherwise, wintermute is the strongest chess player on the fediverse :p

I learnt a lot of stuff about running an e-tournament. Biggest factor is needing a lot of substitutes for when people drop out. Which would make the results weird, because say wintermute drops out and I sub in for him, then i'd lose the finals.

combah text, by david revoy the pepper and carrot author


Chess Tournament - michael vs sexy_peach Correspondence Chess • sexy_peach vs PC-Admin

sexy_peach (1500) played PC-Admin (1258) in a casual Correspondence game of chess. Game is a draw after 52 moves. Click to replay, analyse, and discuss the game!

Correspondence Chess • sexy_peach vs PC-Admin

still going on


Chess Tournament - wintermute vs Liwott Correspondence Chess • DeepNo0b vs Liwott

DeepNo0b (1500) played Liwott (1859) in a rated Correspondence game of chess. Liwott resigned after 46 moves. Click to replay, analyse, and discuss the game!

Correspondence Chess • DeepNo0b vs Liwott

Wintermute (DeepNo0b) vs Liwott

Liwott resigned at move 46


Current ranking + matches. If you're suppose to be in a match and i forgot to ping, get in touch with your opponent/ping me

I'm endlesscomfort, no budget to change the name to me

me and winter are waiting for matches to finish

the closer a contestant is to the trophy the more games they've won


Can i get some help making a phenomenal grand final promo thing?

I'm imaging it'll vaguely be like the peach battle

how to help. Ideas, cool pictures i could put together. Fan art. OCs. A story etc.


Siege of Frozen Lakes - Winter vs NormieGirl Correspondence Chess • DeepNo0b vs sataniclady

DeepNo0b (1500) played sataniclady (1500) in a casual Correspondence game of chess. sataniclady resigned after 51 moves. Click to replay, analyse, and discuss the game!

Correspondence Chess • DeepNo0b vs sataniclady

tournament note for self; winter won in 51 moves

u/Endlesscomfort doesnt like the cold so he ran away and i subbed in for them


Battle of the Eternal Night - Liwott vs Michael Correspondence Chess • PC-Admin vs Liwott

PC-Admin (1500) played Liwott (1500) in a rated Correspondence game of chess. Liwott won by checkmate after 21 moves. Click to replay, analyse, and discuss the game!

Correspondence Chess • PC-Admin vs Liwott

tournament note for self; liwott won in 21 moves


Round 1 matches up + rules + betting

People hate reading, so i'll copy paste the important points from my previous posts here.

if you can help with graphics or advertising to get more people to join thatd be great!


Round robin. Each person is playing 2 games, finals might be 3 games


  • Feel free to gentleman gentlecoin to whatever rules you want. But i'd recommend allow 1 undo each, especially if you're both inexperienced. If you're experienced and the person you're playing against is inexperienced, consider giving them more undos.

  • Best of 1

  • in my experience lichess works best if you register, but not required though clearing your cookies will break the game iirc!!!

  • Both people have to report who won here. Both of you also attempt to report how many moves it took for you to win, might be used for tie breaking.

  • Dont cheat ex by having a grandmaster computer play for you

  • Do at least 1 move a day


  • I'm down to bet an imaginary currency like [email protected] or cat girls or what have you. 1v1 me sib!


Would be cool if you upload your match so we can see what happened!


The grudge match you never knew you wanted! Place your bets here! vs

I'm willing to bet whatever you want to bet. I'm putting it all on ahegao peach for this round

This took long a.h. to make.

Not gonna make promo art for every match, but if you want to help me, please do. Retweet this image folks!

profile pictures in comments, cc-by

credits; vs retrowave lightning peach/muscle emoji - came with my computer ahgaeo face - sunglasses - Text -

i'm still hoping more ppl join so havent made the other brackets just yet, especially when you share the image!

Peaches - arrange your match, ideally in the comments but where ever, let me know when you start the match!


Chess rules, format, betting here.


Edit: round robin, not an even number that is easily divisible into a bracket. Each person is playing 2 games, finals might be 3 games


  • Feel free to gentleman gentlecoin to whatever rules you want. But i'd recommend allow 1 undo each, especially if you're both inexperienced. If you're experienced and the person you're playing against is inexperienced, consider giving them more undos.

  • Best of 1

  • in my experience lichess works best if you register, but not required though clearing your cookies will break the game iirc!!!

  • Both people have to report who won here.

  • Dont cheat ex by having a grandmaster computer play for you

  • Do at least 1 move a day


  • I'm down to bet an imaginary currency like [email protected] or cat girls or what have you. 1v1 me sib!


Would be cool if you upload your match so we can see what happened!


The fedizens first global chess tournament!

Roses are red

Violets are blue

You're gonna sign up for this chess tournament



How to play:

  1. Most important! Share this event as widely as possible! Post on the fediverse and even on your Facebook, Reddit, tiktok etc

  2. Sign up in the comments here. Just say your signing up.

  3. I'll arrange brackets. Or if you particularly want to play someone, mention it in the comments and I'll pair you guys up

  4. I'm open to suggestions, but lichess seems like the easiest way to set up matches, but really, if you can get your opponent to agree to use like Minetest chess, go for it!

  5. If someone off the fediverse wants to play, have them contact me somehow. You could even relay their messages to me.



Has this ever been attempted before?