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Decrypting Rita by Margaret Trauth (Egypt Urnash) - Comic - 2015

> > > When the fastest woman ever built is dragged outside of reality by her ex-boyfriend, she's got to pull herself together across four parallel worlds before a hive-mind can take over the planet. > > > > “That rarest and most refreshing of things: a science–fiction story that feels like it comes from the future. It's marvelous, in the true sense of the word!” > > > > \-Phil Foglio > > > > "A robot lady is dragged outside of reality by her ex-boyfriend. Deliriously confusing and addictive… it’s kind of wonderful." > – Peter Watts > > > > "Seriously folks, if you haven’t looked at Decrypting Rita yet you really ought to. Very post-singularity, much upload, wow." > > > > – Charlie Stross > >



Printed Books


First off, a big thank you to the author @anthracite, for giving me permission to post her work. Marked as OC as it's her original content.

This is one of those works that breaks the traditional boundaries of the medium its presented in. The art style is vivid, and integral to the interweaving narrative as the protagonist moves through multiple realities. For such an ambitious work, it's remarkably tightly written, with a subtly and depth lacking in traditional comic work. Trauth's styling is unique - combining art-deco, surrealism, and pop-art with intensely strong linework and dynamic framing with the compositional skill of Lichenstein. This is not your average comic - this is a unique piece of art and an excellent story.


( I've been reading ( and it's brilliant - I love the way you weave the narrative through multi

@anthracite I've been reading Decrypting Rita and it's brilliant - I love the way you weave the narrative through multiple realities, and your use of the colorwork to define each world works beautifully. May I have your permission to share it on the kbin community magazine @13thFloor?
