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Offline support

This release adds the option to offline a post feed, giving you the freedom to browse while offline. The use case here is if you know ahead of time you are going to be offline you can download a feed beforehand and read it later.

This release also implements several user requests.

Full changelog

  • When opening a link to a post on a different instance, added a banner to explaining the instance mismatch and also have an option to switch instances. Also added a loading spinner when switching instances in this way.
  • Added a "Make available offline" button to make a feed available offline.
  • Changed bookmark button to reflect the current state. Eg. if the post is already bookmarked then the bookmark icon is filled.


  • Fixed a bug when viewing a post on another instance, tapping the switch instance button will not show an error message if the post cannot be found on your instance.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes posts are not mark as real on v0.19.5 instances.


  • No changes. Accidental versioning issue.


  • Fixed a bug where back press was not being handled within dialogs leading to several other issues such as new comments/posts not auto saving as drafts.

Offline support

Hello! I haven't posted in a while so I wanted to give a quick update on what is going on with the app.

The next feature I'm working on is quite large. Its offline support which aims to make the app usable offline... to a degree. This feature is going to be made up of several different parts including features to download certain content in advance and have the app respond to network changes.

In addition to this feature I am also working on some physical projects since it is summer where I am. I had a lot of yard work planned for this year so I'm also spending a lot of my free time with that. Due to this and the size of the next update, the next update will likely take a little longer.

Changes so far:

  • Changed bookmark button to reflect the current state. Eg. if the post is already bookmarked then the bookmark icon is filled.
  • When opening a link to a post on a different instance, added a banner to explaining the instance mismatch and also have an option to switch instances. Also added a loading spinner when switching instances in this way.
  • Added a "Make available offline" button to make a feed available offline.