Scelte adottate per il #distacco dalle #bigtech cercando di mantenere l'obiettivo della sovranità digitale e rimanendo nel #europeancontest:
Scelte adottate per il #distacco dalle #bigtech cercando di mantenere l'obiettivo della sovranità digitale e rimanendo nel #europeancontest: \- Cloud Drive: @filen (500GB/3,99€/mese) \- Navigatore: #osmand pro (2,99/mese) \- Agenda: Calendario di #fossify \- Note e Liste: Note di #fossify \- Google Play Store: @fdroid \- Password Manager: @passbolt (community edition)
Google Play má problém, když se v mobilu používá ještě jiný repozitář s aplikacemi (např. ). Pokud jsem přes F-Droid nainstaloval aplikaci a stejná existuje v GPlay, tak si ji GPlay nedokáže
Google Play má problém, když se v mobilu používá ještě jiný repozitář s aplikacemi (např. @fdroid). Pokud jsem přes F-Droid nainstaloval aplikaci a stejná existuje v GPlay, tak si ji GPlay nedokáže aktualizovat. Což by ani tak nevadilo, počkám na update v F-Droidu. Horší je, že ten nepovedený update zablokuje update všech ostatních aplikací, které mám přes GPlay. Takže dokud nepřijde na F-Droidu update AntennaPodu, nemůžu updatovat ani nic dalšího.
Our smartphones, operating systems and apps are dominated by Google & Apple. " these two Silicon Valley profit-driven companies decide which apps are or aren't allowed, and moderate what our
Our smartphones, operating systems and apps are dominated by Google & Apple. "[...] these two Silicon Valley profit-driven companies decide which apps are or aren't allowed, and moderate what our mobile software looks like." says @danlammerhirt from @waag working on the Mobifree project (together with a.o. @efoundation @fdroid @NGIZero @murena @microg @delta
@fdroid Hey. Could you please Update the changelog ti 1.19.1?
Best #Chess Clock? Currently using Simple Chess Clock /via #android
Best #Chess Clock? Currently using Simple Chess Clock /via #android @fdroid
New #Acer #ChromeBook. Can't seem to install to get personalDNSFilter installed.
New #Acer #ChromeBook. Can't seem to install @fdroid to get personalDNSFilter installed.
Is there a chrome-book equivlent for easily managing a DNS block list, on device?
Yes, I can run something on my home netwok, but what I'm looking for is an easy, on-device solution, like installing a "local vpn" like #personalDNSFilter does on my phone, into which I can put my own block list, and easily add and remove entries.
Browser extensions not enough, want to intercept all IP.
A big shout out to my favourite free apps:
A big shout out to my favourite free apps: @fdroid @organicmaps Ghostracer KolabNotes @newpipe
All installed on @LineageOS
Would you contact #AhmedBashbash, developer in Budapest, who created a boycott app #NoThanks
(SOURCE: #TheStream, Al Jazeera, 'Are The Boycotts Against Israel Having An Impact?')
\#JewsAgainstIsraeliApartheid \#JewsInSolidarityWithPalestine 🇵🇸✡️
acabo de descobrir una aplicació que és la canya al ( . aquest missatge està pràcticament tot dictat a aquest teclat de reconeixement de veu, que té molts idiomes in
acabo de descobrir una aplicació que és la canya al @fdroid . aquest missatge està pràcticament tot dictat a aquest teclat de reconeixement de veu, que té molts idiomes inclòs al català. realment pensava que el reconeixement de veu utilitzant un android totalment lliure era una quimera, però veig que no. l'única cosa que li haig d'indicar és la puntuació i alguna paraula que no és purament catalana, com "f-droid"
\#STT #SpeechToText #ReconeixementDeLaParla #ReconeixementDeVeu #Català
(edit: el programa és Sayboard, #Sayboard)
In ( ( and ( talk with ( 's [@e
In #FLOSSWeekly @dsearls and @webmink talk with @fdroid 's @eighthave . Hear from #Fdroid 's technical lead Hans-Christoph about the current and future of the #FreeSoftware (#OpenSource) catalogue for the #Android platform and what plans there are to make it even easier to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device. I am a board member of #Fdroid)
Some bollocks crushing organisations to reduce the surveillance you endure. They all have different things they are doing. Check them out.
Some bollocks crushing organisations to reduce the surveillance you endure. They all have different things they are doing. Check them out.
\#Privacy #NoCorpowhores @Tutanota @protonmail @signalapp @session @threemaapp @disroot @pixelfed @brave @Jami @write\_as @briar @libreture @thestorygraph @libreoffice @bookwyrm @firefish @xmpp @matrix @funkwhale @fdroid
Note-taking on the go is something I'm rarely prepared for. ( has Joplin. I've recently changed to it and like it a lot. ( (htt
Note-taking on the go is something I'm rarely prepared for. @fdroid has Joplin. I've recently changed to it and like it a lot. #FOSS #App #WritingCommunity
Wer die heutigen ( aus Berlin gesehen hat und sich fragt, mit welcher App die beeindruckende Dokumentation der Mitradelnden gemacht wurde..
Wer die heutigen #Nichtmituns-Posts aus Berlin gesehen hat und sich fragt, mit welcher App die beeindruckende Dokumentation der Mitradelnden gemacht wurde... Guckst du hier:
Benutzt die gerne auch übermorgen, wenn wir als #CriticalMass über die Stadtrodaer Straße in #Jena radlen. Gibts beim App-Anbieter deines Vertrauens -- also auch bei @fdroid.