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Introduce Your World In 50 Words

I've seen a lot of these "tell me about your world" prompts on the subreddit, but they often result in people either writing massive walls of text or a single short sentence that is incredibly vague.

So instead I want to try something different. Introduce your world using exactly 50 words, not more, not less. Not sure if that's a good number, I guess I'll find out.


Tell me about a nomatic group in your world.

In my world of Drio the Khentet-Sah are a group of nomads living in the Savannas and mountains of Khentet-Sah. They travel by horse, zeebra and elephant and eat wild tubers, antelope, deer, and grasses found in their homelands. They do some trade with outside groups as well. They live in extremely well designed tents that keep out the wind, heat, and cold of these hostile places. A tribe of 100 people will tend to stay in one area for no longer that 6 months.


Weirdest concepts for characters

What are the weirdest characters you have ever seen or created? Could be anything from it's appearance, backstory, maybe a skillset, how it behaves, anything like that really.