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Cute Alpaca

By Ksenia Levchenko. Link to pattern on Etsy.

I really like how much of a difference backstitching makes. Here's a before picture.



The Greenhouse of Oddities

So proud of this. My biggest project yet! It was fun watching it unravel with every planting.

Pattern by Lola Crow


The printed kit I got from a Babushka in Sofia.

The book title backstitch was done by my SO.

This one is getting framed and hung right next to the bathroom door!

After more than an hour of painful attempts at french knots with slippery polyester on polyester, I did the little black dots on the snout with half stitches and a couple of extra strands. Do I recommend polyester cheap kits? Yeah, they're fun. Would I do it again? Probably, but only because I bought two, and that one is left in the backburner for now.


Ladybug 🐞

Pattern by Svetlana Sichkar