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How different/unique are the space stations in No Man's Sky?

Potential new player here (it's on my wish list). From lurking on social media, I gather that the devs have released several significant updates recently, among them an overhaul of space stations ("Orbital"). I get that they are procedurally generated, which means that no two should be alike, but... how different are they?

I ask b/c, while this might sound silly, during my time in Elite Dangerous, one of my favorite things was approaching stations, lining up my ship with the entrance, avoiding collisions, dealing with all the different axes & what not, and then setting her down on the landing pads. (and then I wish I could get out of my ship and explore on foot)

With space stations being procedurally generated, do they still feel pretty same-y or are they unique enough to keep someone like myself entertained? The wiki page for the Orbital update promises a variety of space station interiors, just wondering if actual players would agree.

Also, does NMS have any sort of "advanced flight mode" where I can enjoy the challenge of steering my ship through the obstacles or is it basically fly within the vicinity of a space station and press X to auto dock?

Sorry for the barrage of questions. Thanks in advance!


Join us on beautiful Gwolver Sigma, new (interim) capital planet of the Galactic Hub Project!

(Also important to note here: the capital is just one of the Galactic Hub's systems! We have over 5,000 systems in our space claim in Euclid alone, so you can find your own "rural" area near the crowded capital too!)

>Important Links

>The Galactic Hub Project

>Largest & Oldest Active Civilization

>11,000+ Player Bases, 78,000+ Subreddit Subscribers, 13,000+ Discord Members

The Galactic Hub Project (r/NMSGalacticHub), founded October 2016, is Euclid's multiplayer hotspot. With a greater concentration of players than anywhere else in No Man's Sky, there's no better location to experience Civilized Space gameplay!

A few of our features include:

  • Chapters - The Galactic Hub has a variety of sub-organizations called Chapters, like the GH Exobiology Corps (focused on fauna), the GH Defense Force (focused on defense & combating griefers), the GH Star League (focused on hosting multiplayer "simulation sports" competitions), & more!

  • Colonies - In the Hub, colonies are communities of multiple players collaborating in some way. This always includes building bases, which are often built under the same theme. Colonies may be as big as a whole system, or as small as a single trade post. The most active colonies are managed by Governors. Governors are interlopers who volunteer to run a colony. A governor's main focus is keeping their colony active - this often involves writing missions or hosting events for their colonists. Some colonies even have Mayors, which manage even smaller communities known as Territories within a Colony. Anyone may set up their own colony in Hub space and act as a Governor!

  • Multiplayer Events - From laid-back Social Nights to the NMS take on eSports Star League, the Galactic Hub has multiplayer social events nearly every week - sometimes multiple each week. Come meet your neighbors!

  • Economy - The GH has its own native currency, HubCoin. It is rewarded exclusively for activity representing the Galactic Hub on various platforms (Reddit, Discord, Wiki, YouTube). HubCoin is never available for sale for dollars, pounds, etc - "real world money" is never required or involved. HubCoin is used to facilitate a metagame economy. For example, to earn coin, players can open their own Businesses with in-game locations in Hub space. To spend coin, players might browse our Discord server's Marketplace and buy goods like custom ships, custom companions, services-of-convenience (ie construction materials), or even 100%-free real-world Hub merch. (Real-world merch availability may vary.)

  • Canonization - Hello Games was kind enough to canonize the Galactic Hub. In other words, we're official in-game content! The "Pilgrim" title can only be unlocked by visiting our old capital planet, New Lennon. Our emblem can be purchased at the QuickSilver store as a base decal or player banner. We're also referenced in the Mission Board and the dialogue of a Traveller, as well as being referenced in the Waking Titan ARG!

That's just a quick look at some of our features. We also have interactions with other civilizations, we're a founding member of the United Federation of Travelers, and much more - but above all else, what really defines the Galactic Hub is our thriving and friendly community. Join us and find your new home in the stars!


Someone built an entire city in No Man's Sky

! !


Liquidator Expedition: If you're having trouble getting 'Blood in the Water'

My spouse and I had a lot of trouble getting this one. No matter what we did, we couldn't get any of the Alluring Specimens to count (or even find them easily). After a lot of searching the internet and finding a lot of other people having the same problem, I thought I would share what we ended up doing in case it helps anyone else.

First, go to the same system as Dropzone 4/Phase 4. (We found that it wouldn't work at all for us until we were in this system).

Do Dropzone 4 (and Infestation Delta if you want). The planet (Azuzuma F38) that Dropzone 4 is on has an ocean. Go somewhere that has a decent amount of deep water, as far out into the ocean as you can manage (the place I was had a LOT of small islands so I just chose an open spot in the middle of them).

Dive down and look at your scanner. You want to find the red Alluring Specimen pin. You might need to hunt around a bit to find your first or maybe you'll get lucky like me and your first is right where you land.


Head to it and you'll see a cup-shaped rock type thing. If it looks like this... [!20240804114700-1.jpg]( [!20240804114717-1.jpg]( Note that it has several 'Anglerfish style lures' coming out of it (green ball things on the end of the curved line). You need to get close to it (don't worry nothing happens until you 'pick it') until it turns to E interact and then pick it a bit like you would oxygen out of hazardous flora. They gave me Hadal Cores.

The NMS style nightmare Anglerfish that comes out will appear on any of the glowing green ball interacts. It could appear on the first one you pick or the last. Be prepared. [!20240804115447-1.jpg](

We didn't find it particularly troublesome to kill. But it does get all up in your grill making it hard to shoot. You can use any weapon you want but I personally found the scatterblaster the fastest.

One you've taken down your first, you move onto the next red Alluring Specimen pin. The first one I did, didn't count but the second did. The only difference was that my spouse and I tried to take the first one out together.

The second one worked fine if we were more than about 150-200u apart. So this is something you should do either single player or at least separately if in a group.

The way we found the next Alluring Specimen was to go exactly North or South away from the one we found. I do not know if Alluring Specimens adhere to the NMS planetary ley lines but it's what I do anyway to find the same of something.

It took me about one oxygen refill (using Candle Kelp so I didn't have to surface) and/or a full jetpack boost before I could scan and see another red Alluring Specimen pin. Given that YMMV depending on modules, this may be different for you. The only modules I had were ones I picked up from milestones and along the way so nothing special.

At any rate, rinse and repeat twice after the first pin/specimen and you should have all three for the milestone to pop for you :)

Safe journey travellers!


Was super excited to see the 5.0 changes. Until I discovered my long time base is completely ruined and our 'home' system planets have changed.

My spouse and I have played NMS since release. After switching to the Steam version a number of years ago, we were lucky enough to start our current save in a system that had a paradise planet. While we weren't the first to discover the system, we were the first for the planets, flora, fauna and minerals.

Anyway, we both started bases on the paradise planet and have had those bases ever since. This planet was one of my favourites with gorgeous fields of glowing flowers (at night), purple grass, no storms, pretty water.... you get the picture.

When settlements came along, we moved our main bases to settlements, one of us on the paradise and the other on a toxic planet in the same system.

I spent many, many, many hours adding to my settlement, doing clever things to make it look nice and RPing the hell out of everything.

On the paradise planet I also turned my first base into a 'tourist attraction'. Then discovered this absolutely gorgeous flat field surrounded by hills. Inside one of the hills was a natural cave entrance. Low and behold the cave also looked spectacular with glowing fungi. So I also RP'd this as a tourist attraction - land in the field at night for a rolling field light show, enter the cave and go spelunking lit by cave roof covered in glowing fungi.....

Then the first planetary generation update came. All seemed well until I reached my 'Cave of Wonders'. The glowing fungi was gone. It was just a barren boring cave now. That hurt, but fine. It wasn't as bad as some people got as we still had a beautiful purple glowing paradise.

Then an update to settlements wrecked all my decoration. So I meticulously fixed it all and made it even better. I have cared for my settlement, made good choices for the inhabitants....

So, I was super looking forward to how beautiful our slice of paradise was going to look after the 5.0 update. I could only imagine how much more gorgeous the water and sky would look.

Imagine my horror when my spouse said that our main planet was showing as "Worm infested" when scanning. My anxiety rising I head to our paradise and my heart sinks as my ship clears the clouds. It is indeed now infested.

Worse is that my settlement is completely gone. The pin for it is still there but the settlement interface is non-existent. [!20240720163206-1.jpg]( All that remains is all the base parts I added - now either floating in the air or completely buried as the landscape has radically changed. [!20240720162830-1.jpg](

I then visited every single one of my other bases. Some are still functional as the landscape hasn't changed but the planetary type has in about 90% of them (weirdly some planets are still completely the same but most are different). My runaway mould farm has been replaced by metal fingers. [!20240720170314-1.jpg](

Worst off is our paradise planet where both the type and landscape are different.

There's other weirdness like the Discoveries being simultaneously reset but not - it will say a planet is undiscovered but when I land, it's suddenly gets the proper info back for it. [!20240720164850-1.jpg]( But on other systems, the discoveries are completely reset - in my AI Valve farm system, the system comes up as discovered by me but none of the planets were until I landed on them. The one that I have a base on has the name I gave it but all the other planets in the system are completely reset to their original names (and this system had some sentimental names as it was my final Atlas story system).

I'm going away for a week soon and was looking forward to playing some NMS beforehand. Now just have a sour taste in my mouth. So many hours lost and funnily enough I've lost any motivation to play at the moment. :(


Here are all my ships and how I like to role-play

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The hauler, explorer, and fighter are custom.

  1. Gek Rogers (sort of like Buck Rogers)
  2. Johnny Quasar, The Astronaut (taken from Johnny Quest, an old cartoon)
  3. Korvax Smith
  4. Vy'Keen Jones (wanted something like Indiana Jones)
  5. Eru, The Traveller (Eru is the creator god of Tokien's Middle-Earth)
  6. b9L7, The Construct (the letters and numbers are supposed to be inverted mirror images)
  7. Squee, The Living Ship Operator, and Archibald Tuttle (Squee is from Magic The Gathering and Archibald Tuttle is a character from the movie Brazil)
  8. Racer X (a character from the cartoon Speed Racer)
  9. The Planeteer (supposed to be like The Rocketeer but with a sci-fi influence)
  10. The Adversary (the main bad guy in my No Man's Sky universe and he's all decked in black because he's evil)

Omega Expedition Aftermath

Did you keep playing once you completed the Omega Expedition?

I decided to build out my base on Nash 33/W4. It has an S-Class Sodium mine and all of the crops except NipNip. It is mostly built with stone with some prefab structures.

I actually hit the base part limit and had to back off so it could still be uploaded.

It's built into the nearby landscape...



A portion of the base is under ground but I did not use the Terrain Manipulator so I don't have to worry about it filling in later...


It sits across from a crashed freighter...


Now, I will probably take a break for a little bit until the next major update.


What is there to do in the Galactic Hub civilization in No Man's Sky?

>Important Links

>The Galactic Hub Project

>Largest & Oldest Active Civilization

>11,000+ Player Bases, 77,000+ Subreddit Subscribers, 12,000+ Discord Members

The Galactic Hub Project, founded October 2016, is Euclid's multiplayer hotspot. With a greater concentration of players than anywhere else in No Man's Sky, there's no better location to experience Civilized Space gameplay!

A few of our features include:

  • Chapters - The Galactic Hub has a variety of sub-organizations called Chapters, like the GH Exobiology Corps (focused on fauna), the GH Defense Force (focused on defense & combating griefers), the GH Star League (focused on hosting multiplayer "simulation sports" competitions), & more!

  • Colonies - In the Hub, colonies are communities of multiple players collaborating in some way. This always includes building bases, which are often built under the same theme. Colonies may be as big as a whole system, or as small as a single trade post. The most active colonies are managed by Governors. Governors are interlopers who volunteer to run a colony. A governor's main focus is keeping their colony active - this often involves writing missions or hosting events for their colonists. Some colonies even have Mayors, which manage even smaller communities known as Territories within a Colony. Anyone may set up their own colony in Hub space and act as a Governor!

  • Multiplayer Events - From laid-back Social Nights to the NMS take on eSports Star League, the Galactic Hub has multiplayer social events nearly every week - sometimes multiple each week. Come meet your neighbors!

  • Economy - The GH has its own native currency, HubCoin. It is rewarded exclusively for activity representing the Galactic Hub on various platforms (Reddit, Discord, Wiki, YouTube). HubCoin is never available for sale for dollars, pounds, etc - "real world money" is never required or involved. HubCoin is used to facilitate a metagame economy. For example, to earn coin, players can open their own Businesses with in-game locations in Hub space. To spend coin, players might browse our Discord server's Marketplace and buy goods like custom ships, custom companions, services-of-convenience (ie construction materials), or even 100%-free real-world Hub merch. (Real-world merch availability may vary.)

  • Canonization - Hello Games was kind enough to canonize the Galactic Hub. In other words, we're official in-game content! The "Pilgrim" title can only be unlocked by visiting our old capital planet, New Lennon. Our emblem can be purchased at the QuickSilver store as a base decal or player banner. We're also referenced in the Mission Board and the dialogue of a Traveller, as well as being referenced in the Waking Titan ARG!

That's just a quick look at some of our features. We also have interactions with other civilizations, we're a founding member of the United Federation of Travelers, and much more - but above all else, what really defines the Galactic Hub is our thriving and friendly community. Join us and find your new home in the stars!


Unexpected Terrain Changes

I've been playing NMS for a long time so I'm no stranger to updates destroying my bases, but I'm used to it happening during major updates. This came out of no where.

I haven't played since the last major Update and Expedition, but I thought I would log in to check on things before the next Update and Expedition were announced. I did not expect to find one of my cave bases in disarray.


Before you ask, no, I didn't use the terrain manipulator, I simply built the base into an existing cave and along the mountainside. Other bases I've checked seem fine so I'm not sure why this one was impacted.

Did this happen to anyone else or am I just lucky?


Join us, starting TOMORROW, for 28 hours of multiplayer events! It's UNIFICATION DAY in No Man's Sky!

Discord Server Link


👾 Introduction 👾

Unification Day is a semi-canon, semi-fanmade holiday, which has historically involved civilizations across the simulation. If you're unfamiliar with the history of Unification Day, you're encouraged to learn more about it here!

This year, Unification Day has been organized as a 28-hour base tour with a variety of activities and social events. That means there is no single "Unification Day System" as in past years. We believe this will provide an ideal format to highlight the builds which civilizations put the most time, effort, and spirit into: those in their home-space claims.

While the holiday is all about celebrating civilized space, Unification Day is not a holiday exclusive to members of civilizations. If you're a lone traveler looking to try out some new activities and meet some new people, you're just as welcome here as anyone else!

⏱️ Schedule ⏱️

A current copy of the schedule can be found here. All times are in UTC. Locations will be added soon.

The schedule is still being discussed by the Unification Day Planning Council (the heads / staff of involved civilizations). All scheduled events are subject to change for at least the next week. I'll post any updates in both the Discord server and future Unification Day Reddit posts.

The schedule includes exocraft races, starship PVP, on-foot team deathmatches in a city-sized PVP map, a huge variety of minigames like shield wrestling and a maze escape, art and museum tours, and tons of social events and general base tours. The goal was to represent as many civilizations as possible while also providing the greatest variety of activities as possible.

⚠️ Rules ⚠️

All rules apply to both voice chat and regular messages.

  1. No discriminatory, toxic, or otherwise un-fun content. No slurs, no putting down other players' builds (unless constructive criticism is requested), no harassment, no irl politics, etc.
  2. Don't start drama. This is Unification Day, get unified or move on!
  3. No uninvited PVP. (Remember to turn your PVP off outside of events anyway, just to be safe.)
  4. No excessive terrain manipulator use.
  5. No excessively massive pets.


Uploading bases in any of these systems could result in negative impacts for that civilization, like decreased rendering reliability or even the entire base no longer showing for visitors. These civilizations are trying to provide a fun time for everyone, please respect their space


Galactic Hub Colony Highlight: Genesis, our first Permadeath colony, and Asphodel, a faction-versus-faction fantasy roleplay colony. Details in comments!

Important Links

  • r/NMSGalacticHub

  • Discord invite

  • GH YouTube

  • GH Pixelfed (Like Instagram, but better)

  • ARE YOU A SWITCH PLAYER? Disappointed you can't do much in the Hub? Check out Miskatonic City, a first-of-its-kind NMS-RPG based in the Hub. It's meant to be played offline, so it's perfect Hub content for Switch players.



Featured Colonies

PLEASE CONTACT THE GOVERNOR OF ANY COLONY IN HUB SPACE BEFORE UPLOADING A BASE IN THE COLONY SYSTEM. The easiest way to do this is in the corresponding colony channel of the Galactic Hub Discord.

  • Genesis Colony - Genesis is based on the beautiful lush planet of Kansfiel Omega. Players will band together to struggle to survive in the harshest iteration of the simulation known to interloper-kind. Genesis Colony's Sentinel Annihilation Service has also been known to dispatch exploration teams to seek out additional locations in Hub space suitable to Permadeath inhabitation.

  • Asphodel Colony - Asphodel colony focuses on a fantasy theme with heavy influences from Greek mythology. It is a roleplaying colony but this is not essential, we just mean that faction vs faction does not relate to any in-game or real life wars or politics. It is encouraged to create a character backstory of your choosing to fit the narrative and the lore of your chosen faction. In Asphodel, you can let your imagination run wild and allow yourself to play as either your chosen in-game race or take inspiration from the fantasy genre and play as anything you like. Maybe you want to be a witch or a fae? How about a gnome or an ogre? The world is your oyster, we just have one rule for your backstory and that is that we won't allow overpowered backstories, like gods or demi-gods, it just takes away from the overall narrative.



The Galactic Hub Project

>Largest & Oldest Active Civilization

>11,000+ Player Bases, 75,000+ Subreddit Subscribers, 12,000+ Discord Members

The Galactic Hub Project (r/NMSGalacticHub), founded October 2016, is Euclid's multiplayer hotspot. With a greater concentration of players than anywhere else in No Man's Sky, there's no better location to experience Civilized Space gameplay!

A few of our features include:

  • Chapters - The Galactic Hub has a variety of sub-organizations called Chapters, like the GH Exobiology Corps (focused on fauna), the GH Defense Force (focused on defense & combating griefers), the GH Star League (focused on hosting multiplayer "simulation sports" competitions), & more!

  • Colonies - In the Hub, colonies are communities of multiple players collaborating in some way. This always includes building bases, which are often built under the same theme. Colonies may be as big as a whole system, or as small as a single trade post. The most active colonies are managed by Governors. Governors are interlopers who volunteer to run a colony. A governor's main focus is keeping their colony active - this often involves writing missions or hosting events for their colonists. Some colonies even have Mayors, which manage even smaller communities known as Territories within a Colony. Anyone may set up their own colony in Hub space and act as a Governor!

  • Multiplayer Events - From laid-back Social Nights to the NMS take on eSports Star League, the Galactic Hub has multiplayer social events nearly every week - sometimes multiple each week. Come meet your neighbors!

  • Economy - The GH has its own native currency, HubCoin. It is rewarded exclusively for activity representing the Galactic Hub on various platforms (Reddit, Discord, Wiki, Twitter). HubCoin is never available for sale for dollars, pounds, etc - "real world money" is never required or involved. HubCoin is used to facilitate a metagame economy. For example, to earn coin, players can open their own Businesses with in-game locations in Hub space. To spend coin, players might browse our Discord server's Marketplace and buy goods like custom ships, custom companions, services-of-convenience (ie construction materials), or even 100%-free real-world Hub merch. (Real-world merch availability may vary.)

  • Canonization - Hello Games was kind enough to canonize the Galactic Hub. In other words, we're official in-game content! The "Pilgrim" title can only be unlocked by visiting our old capital planet, New Lennon. Our emblem can be purchased at the QuickSilver store as a base decal or player banner. We're also referenced in the Mission Board and the dialogue of a Traveller, as well as being referenced in the Waking Titan ARG!

That's just a quick look at some of our features. We also have interactions with other civilizations, we're a founding member of the United Federation of Travelers, and much more - but above all else, what really defines the Galactic Hub is our thriving and friendly community. Join us and find your new home in the stars!


Halloween in the Galactic Hub - Oct 28th

! Group photo in the mouth of Pumpkin Hill's great pumpkin

! Mourning party at Pumpkin Hill graveyard, during the costume contest

! Hayley, milk, Time Alchemist, and myself wait and watch while Deuce completes his attempt at Track or Treat, an exocraft racetrack at Pumpkin Hill.

! Fireworks in the graveyard


Galactic Hub, by the Numbers: A Review of the Largest Civilization in NMS. Join today!

Important Links

  • Discord invite

  • GH YouTube

  • GH Pixelfed (Like Instagram, but better)

  • 🎃👻🪦MISKATONIC CITY🪦👻🎃, a first-of-its-kind NMS-RPG with 26 unique NPCs and over 500 lines of original dialogue. Halloween themed prizes, including spooky companion eggs, are only available through October 31st!



>#The Galactic Hub Project

>Largest & Oldest Active Civilization

>11,000+ Player Bases, 75,000+ Subreddit Subscribers, 12,000+ Discord Members

The Galactic Hub Project (r/NMSGalacticHub), founded October 2016, is Euclid's multiplayer hotspot. With a greater concentration of players than anywhere else in No Man's Sky, there's no better location to experience Civilized Space gameplay!

A few of our features include:

  • Chapters - The Galactic Hub has a variety of sub-organizations called Chapters, like the GH Exobiology Corps (focused on fauna), the GH Defense Force (focused on defense & combating griefers), the GH Star League (focused on hosting multiplayer "simulation sports" competitions), & more!

  • Colonies - In the Hub, colonies are communities of multiple players collaborating in some way. This always includes building bases, which are often built under the same theme. Colonies may be as big as a whole system, or as small as a single trade post. The most active colonies are managed by Governors. Governors are interlopers who volunteer to run a colony. A governor's main focus is keeping their colony active - this often involves writing missions or hosting events for their colonists. Some colonies even have Mayors, which manage even smaller communities known as Territories within a Colony. Anyone may set up their own colony in Hub space and act as a Governor!

  • Multiplayer Events - From laid-back Social Nights to the NMS take on eSports Star League, the Galactic Hub has multiplayer social events nearly every week - sometimes multiple each week. Come meet your neighbors!

  • Economy - The GH has its own native currency, HubCoin. It is rewarded exclusively for activity representing the Galactic Hub on various platforms (Reddit, Discord, Wiki, YouTube). HubCoin is never available for sale for dollars, pounds, etc - "real world money" is never required or involved. HubCoin is used to facilitate a metagame economy. For example, to earn coin, players can open their own Businesses with in-game locations in Hub space. To spend coin, players might browse our Discord server's Marketplace and buy goods like custom ships, custom companions, services-of-convenience (ie construction materials), or even 100%-free real-world Hub merch. (Real-world merch availability may vary.)

  • Canonization - Hello Games was kind enough to canonize the Galactic Hub. In other words, we're official in-game content! The "Pilgrim" title can only be unlocked by visiting our old capital planet, New Lennon. Our emblem can be purchased at the QuickSilver store as a base decal or player banner. We're also referenced in the Mission Board and the dialogue of a Traveller, as well as being referenced in the Waking Titan ARG!

That's just a quick look at some of our features. We also have interactions with other civilizations, we're a founding member of the United Federation of Travelers, and much more - but above all else, what really defines the Galactic Hub is our thriving and friendly community. Join us and find your new home in the stars!


HUBTalks Episode 3 - Time's Alchemist on Advanced Lifeforms & Technology

HUBTalks are like TEDTalks, but in NMS. These informative lectures on topics relating to science, sci-fi, technology, or No Man's Sky (including comedy or art pertaining to those topics) take place once per month in Galactic Hub space. Usually they are scheduled for the first weekend of every month. Anyone may speak at these events.

For more info or to take place in the next talk, join the Galactic Hub Discord! 🖖🏻


👻🎃 Welcome to Miskatonic City, a first-of-its-kind NMS-RPG narrative experience 🎃👻 26 NPCs with 500+ lines of original dialogue. Halloween-themed companion eggs to collect. And more!


🦇🪦 WrittenRealms Link 🪦🦇

You are invited to Miskatonic City, a first-of-its-kind NMS-RPG narrative featuring over 500 lines of original dialogue and 26 NPCs to interact with. (This is a visiting-only system! Please do not drop a base here.)

Venture to the swamps of Miskatonic City, a former logging town now under the influence of a mysterious biotechnical company. Solve the mystery threatening the city and decide the fate of Miskatonic, with multiple quests all converging into the same ultimate decision. Plus a few side quests!

Collect Halloween-themed companions, earn HubCoin, and unlock the location of a new colony as you progress through the city and meet more of its residents.

Join the #miskatonic-city-👻 channel by selecting the 👻 emoji in the #colony-role-select channel of the Galactic Hub Project Discord. This will give you the "Miskatonic City Visitor" role, allowing you to discuss the narrative with other interlopers. Try to avoid spoilers, but anyone reading the #miskatonic-city-👻 channel does so at their own risk!

Please read all of the images in the guide below before starting Miskatonic City.

Aspects of it will probably be confusing to you otherwise.

To avoid any rendering issues and preserve space for possible future NMS-RPG in the system, please do not upload a base anywhere in the Miskatonic City system. We'd love to have you elsewhere in Hub space, and the colony you can unlock through Miskatonic City has room for tons of people!

(NOTE: The post-game is not done yet. Can you tell I'm a real Fallout New Vegas fan? This means after you complete the final mission, the features and conversations unlocked as a result of the quest will not work properly yet. I'm going to try to finish this before anyone gets that far, but we're too far into spooky season to delay launch any longer. 🧛🏻🦇)

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Crash Landing

I accidentally summoned my freighter at a weird angle, so from the ground it looked like it was crashing down to the planet. I thought it made a pretty cool shot though! Here's some other angles: ! !


Son of a...



Take the MOUNTAIN OF STAIRS stair climbing challenge and get to 625u!

Do you like a challenge interloper? Are you triggered by escalators and gym or home Stairmasters™ and want the Real Thing™ instead? Have I got some stairs for you!

A MOUNTAIN OF STAIRS! 150 flights and one thousand, eight hundred WHOLE STAIRS that go 625u high!

There are SO MANY stairs, it will take you about THREE MINUTES running at FULL TILT just to get to the top! Better get that %SPRNT_BTN% ready! How fast can YOU do it! Enjoy the view and amenities at the summit! FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!



DISCLAIMER: Do not remove this disclaimer under penalty of death. Read at your own risk. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if a 625u high mountain of 1,800 stairs is right for you. Parental guidance advised. Always read the label. Do not use while operating a jetpack or Minotaur. Mountain of Stairs™©® (patent pending) will not be held responsible for accidental rocket boot jumps and resultant deaths from unintended body to ground contact at terminal velocity. May cause eye irritation. Freshest if used before expiry date. Do not use after expiry. Do not eat. Not a toy. Exosuit helmet required during use. If rash, irritation, redness, swelling or heart attack from climbing 1,800 stairs develops, discontinue use. Warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, misuse, accident, unintentional self-extinction via a the Geology Cannon or Plasma Launcher (to appreciate the wonder of the universe, one must first remain alive), incoming storms, solar activity, meteorite strike, nearby supernova and other Acts of Atlas, aliens, incorrect Exosuit voltage, Hazard Protection malfunction, failure to charge the Hazard Protection system, neglect, damage from improper use, unauthorised use, unauthorised repair, improper installation, typographical errors, broken ships, missing or altered serial numbers, unfixed bugs, electromagnetic radiation from nearby gamma radiation planets, or Sentinel activity. Amenities at summit not guaranteed. Hills may not be alive. Flammable. One size fits all. For recreational use only. At participating locations only. Other restrictions that Mountain of Stairs™©® (patent pending) makes up on the spot may apply. This document originates from the Internet, and therefore may not be from the alleged source. If you have any doubts about the origin or content of this disclaimer please contact our Support Desk. Voyagers Expedition limited time only.

Decided that for the Voyagers Expedition, rather than climbing a 625u high mountain, I would stair climb my way to 625u. It took a long arse time to build all these platforms and stairs as I climbed them as I was building them! Rendezvous 2 planet - Leyc X42 in the Sivikmiyn I system, coords +25.85, +146.50 (so long as the base loads lol). My fastest time is 3:01.04


Echoes 4.44 Patchnotes 7. Sep 2023 - Echoes Patch 4.44 - No Man's Sky

Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the No Man’s Sky Echoes update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes are i...

Echoes Patch 4.44 - No Man's Sky

Bug fixes

Sentinel capital ships are now equipped with shield generators that must be destroyed before their hull can be damaged. Improved the VFX for Sentinel capital ship weapons. Fixed a number of multiplayer syncing issues with Sentinel capital ships. Fixed an issue that prevented the warp-out effects from correctly playing on the Pirate Dreadnought. Added new pirate freighter warp effects. Fixed some minor collision issues on the pirate freighter. Fixed an issue causing some low priority missions to appear on the galaxy map. Fixed an issue causing pirate titles to not unlock. Fixed an issue that could cause the the organic frigate quests not to work as expected in multiplayer. Salvaging the Atlantid Multitool now awards Void Motes. Fixed an issue that prevented barrel rolling during warp. Fixed some untranslated pirate name in empty systems. Fixed an issue that caused Vy’keen pirates to act as if they were Gek in very specific circumstances. Fixed an issue that caused Autophage missions to repair lost heads to become blocked if the head in question had already been repaired. Fixed an issue that could cause floating drone heads to be loaded as freighter workers in place of Korvax entities when warping your freighter to an empty system. Fixed an issue that could prevent progress in the Voyager’s Expedition milestone to find a creature with corrosive blood. When crafting items, players are now alerted if they have the right ingredients but those items are in an inaccessible inventory. Fixed an issue that could cause Autophage staff assembly to choose an incorrect seed for subsequent creations after cancelling out of the preview of the assembled staff. Fixed an issue that could cause the players to do damage to themselves when using the multitool.

Fixed a performance regression related to mesh rendering. Fixed a hang related to loading missions. Fixed a rare hang that could occur when loading a save on Xbox. Fixed a crashed related to the HUD. Fixed a crash related to procedural textures. Fixed a crash related to loading player bases. Fixed a crash related to the shop interface. Fixed a crash related to the aerial scan camera. Fixed a number of crashes related to memory management. Fixed an Xbox-specific hang.


Loosing Standing, Are My Starter Freighter Crew Pirates At Heart?

Just started the new community expedition, so first real taste of the Echoes update. I think my starter freighter crew are engaging in some light piracy on the side. My standing with the main system race keeps ticking down every so often, and I gain rep with the Outlaws faction. At least if they are going to go rogue and loot merchants, they can cut me in for a piece of the action!

Didn't see anything in the patch notes.


From @[email protected] :

> @Kaymorak @Grimpen It’s a bug. Whenever another player engages civilian freighters, they gain standing with outlaws, and lose it with the local race running the system… And the bug makes ANY player in that system gain and lose. :P > > It’ll hopefully be fixed in the upcoming patch, which is in test.

I've stopped this happening so much by parking my freighter in quieter systems. Without a steady supply of salvaged frigate modules I haven't upgraded my freighter much anyways. If your freighter isn't somewhere where other players and you are at the same time, it should hoist the Jolly Roger.

How different/unique are the space stations in No Man's Sky?
  • but the inside, as far as I have seen, is the same.

    Gotcha. This seems to contradict the marketing materials on the NMS website, but is in line with other commenters—thanks for confirming that.

    From the website:

    Space Station interiors are now procedurally generated and vary dramatically from station to station. A huge range of different designs are waiting to be found, as well as a wide array of atmospheric and lighting arrangements.

    I gather there's some variety depending on the system's economy type (e.g. high tech vs mining), just not as "dramatic" as the devs promise. And honestly, this isn't my only reason for enjoying space games, so I'll probably scoop up NMS during the next sale anyway and then see for myself. Thanks again.

  • Aquarius Patch 5.11
  • Go on No man’s sky glyph exchange

    (just putting things as spoilers so this comment isn’t super long)

    Steps to spawn a freighter battle
    1. warp to that system
    2. warp to neighboring systems
    3. after each warp, save your game
    4. once a freighter battle triggers, load your save (Now next time you warp a freighter battle will happen)
    5. warp to the system with the freighter you want and the battle will trigger there
    Now if you want it S or A class you can follow these steps
    1. follow the steps above to trigger a freighter battle above
    2. create a save at the space station first thing
    3. win the battle
    4. inspect the freighter class by staying in the hangar and using the analysis visor to see its class, do NOT walk up to the bridge and talk to the captain
    5. if it’s not a class you want reload your save

    Pirate freighters are even easier as their all you need to do is trigger a battle and I’m pretty sure they’re all visually identical and then it’s just a matter of getting your preferred class and species

    Me personally I have a korvax crewed Venerator (looks like this different color) and I love mine

    It’s a capital ship and they can only spawn in battles but if you find the perfect freighter when traveling through space you can straight up buy it

    Edit: my link to the venerator didn’t work but it’s basically an imperial star destroyer

  • Question: what to do with half a freighter?
  • The original one yeah. Most of them were these small reasons to pull you out of super speed and make space feel a little more inhabited, and not just empty a to b travel.

    Link for all the Anomalies wiki link

  • The vote for the next capital of the Galactic Hub begins today. Vote now on our Discord!
  • Vote Here in the #announcements channel

    General Galactic Hub Info Below

    Important Links

    #The Galactic Hub Project

    Largest & Oldest Active Civilization

    11,000+ Player Bases, 78,000+ Subreddit Subscribers, 13,000+ Discord Members

    The Galactic Hub Project (r/NMSGalacticHub), founded October 2016, is Euclid's multiplayer hotspot. With a greater concentration of players than anywhere else in No Man's Sky, there's no better location to experience Civilized Space gameplay!

    A few of our features include:

    • Chapters - The Galactic Hub has a variety of sub-organizations called Chapters, like the GH Exobiology Corps (focused on fauna), the GH Defense Force (focused on defense & combating griefers), the GH Star League (focused on hosting multiplayer "simulation sports" competitions), & more!

    • Colonies - In the Hub, colonies are communities of multiple players collaborating in some way. This always includes building bases, which are often built under the same theme. Colonies may be as big as a whole system, or as small as a single trade post. The most active colonies are managed by Governors. Governors are interlopers who volunteer to run a colony. A governor's main focus is keeping their colony active - this often involves writing missions or hosting events for their colonists. Some colonies even have Mayors, which manage even smaller communities known as Territories within a Colony. Anyone may set up their own colony in Hub space and act as a Governor!

    • Multiplayer Events - From laid-back Social Nights to the NMS take on eSports Star League, the Galactic Hub has multiplayer social events nearly every week - sometimes multiple each week. Come meet your neighbors!

    • Economy - The GH has its own native currency, HubCoin. It is rewarded exclusively for activity representing the Galactic Hub on various platforms (Reddit, Discord, Wiki, YouTube). HubCoin is never available for sale for dollars, pounds, etc - "real world money" is never required or involved. HubCoin is used to facilitate a metagame economy. For example, to earn coin, players can open their own Businesses with in-game locations in Hub space. To spend coin, players might browse our Discord server's Marketplace and buy goods like custom ships, custom companions, services-of-convenience (ie construction materials), or even 100%-free real-world Hub merch. (Real-world merch availability may vary.)

    • Canonization - Hello Games was kind enough to canonize the Galactic Hub. In other words, we're official in-game content! The "Pilgrim" title can only be unlocked by visiting our old capital planet, New Lennon. Our emblem can be purchased at the QuickSilver store as a base decal or player banner. We're also referenced in the Mission Board and the dialogue of a Traveller, as well as being referenced in the Waking Titan ARG!

    That's just a quick look at some of our features. We also have interactions with other civilizations, we're a founding member of the United Federation of Travelers, and much more - but above all else, what really defines the Galactic Hub is our thriving and friendly community. Join us and find your new home in the stars!

  • Returner's Guide?
  • I don't know of guide, but off the top of my head...

    Quest List

    Complete the Artemis Storyline (That is a requirement to trigger other quests).

    Jumping between systems will eventually trigger...

    Buying a Void Egg will trigger the Starbirth quest Sending frigates on expeditions will eventually get you the Dream Aerial plans

    Many of these quests result in rewards like ships, appearance modifications, companions, etc.

  • Graphics Quality on PS5
  • @secret300 there are lots of artifacts an black blurry dots on PS5 as soon as you talk to aliens, interact with objects or things like that. Waves are nice, clouds seem unchanged… 🤔@crocswithsocks

  • No Man's Sky 5.0 Update: Worlds, Part 1
  • I don't play NMS all that much, but if they put out a Ko-Fi link or whatever and said "Hey, we wanna treat our hard working team to a nice Christmas bonus, but our funds are tied up in [payroll / new game development / whatever]; if you'd care to toss a few bucks their way, here's the link", I'd toss them $20 immediately. With all the enshittification of gaming going on right now, fuck yes I'd help those fucking beauties toward giving their families a nice holiday.

  • No Man's Sky 5.0 Update: Worlds, Part 1
  • @CitizenKong @jballs I understand that Sean would want to please those who were disappointed after the launch, but it says something about the lack of greed of Hello Games that they haven't charged for *any* update long after most would say that they've delivered on their original promise.

  • Sean Murray Tweet
  • As I said in another thread I think it would be neat if they made it like the third expedition where a majority of the expedition took place on one planet

    Also please please please please be a world gen update

    Rn we have hill, slightly more hill, and mountains stretching towards the heavens and their valleys going down to the gaping maw of hell

  • Anchor
  • NEVER MIND: you can also use Silica Powder.

    [was:] Anyone else stuck needing Deuterium to fix the launch thruster? Deuterium...that you can craft with dihydrogen and...tritium...that you can mine with your you can fix the launch thruster on your...ship...uh...

  • Guide: How do I start the “Echoes” story?
  • @penalty shooters 2 said I found your article to be really interesting to read and believe it to be very helpful. I appreciate you giving this great information. Your webpage is really impressive. The level of detail on your webpage is astounding.

  • Omega Expedition Aftermath
  • You can find it at -22.81, +111.53. I have a Communications Station there as well.