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(STEAM) Error Fix Deployment(1.56.2)

Announcement on Steam.


[(STEAM) Error Fix Deployment(1.56.2)]


This is Project Moon.

The new Client(1.56.2) update with fixes for the issues identified in the 1.56.1 version updated September 12th (THU) 12:00 (KST) will be deployed.

This update will be deployed first on STEAM, and we will inform you via an additional notice after they pass the platform reviews.

You can confirm that the update was successful by checking the bottom right corner of the screen. It should say Version 1.56.2.

Deployment ETA

  • September 12th(THU), 17:00 (KST)

Version 1.56.2 Changelog

  • Fixed an issue where panicked characters causes the combat softlock in Chaining phase.
  • Fixed an issue where, some battles in rare occasions, the damage from Bio-venom Vial causes a softlock during the combat softlock in Chaining phase.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.


Upcoming measures to the softlocking issue after Sep. 12th Scheduled Update

Announcement on Steam.


[Upcoming measures to the softlocking issue after Sep. 12th Scheduled Update]

Hello, this is Project Moon.

We would like to inform you the cause and our measure to fix the softlocking issue that occurred after Sep. 12th Scheduled Update.


We added a new combat system logic to the game for a new functionality of our upcoming Identity(Devyat’ North Rodion). As we were making UI adjustments to the combat view, we neglected to include the specific logic for Panicked characters. This caused an issue where the dashboard would become unresponsive in the Chaining phase, softlocking the game.


We have identified where the logic error occurred, and we are currently investigating our work history to make a precise fix for its causes.

When preparing for a new combat mechanic in upcoming materials, we will now make sure to separate the new logic from preexisting logic so that no softlocking issues can occur again due to similar causes.

We are preparing to deploy a new Client version(1.56.2) with fixes for the above issues.

The fix will be deployed to the STEAM platform as soon as the build is complete. Because iOS and Android platforms require a review period, please understand that they will be deployed at a later time than the STEAM platform.

We will inform you via an additional notice as soon as we have a more concrete timeframe for the new version deployment.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

[Sep. 12th Scheduled Update Error Compensation]

  • Compensation : Lunacy x1300
  • Recipients : All users whose accounts were created before Sep. 19th 10:00
  • When : After Sep. 12th 2024(THU), 18:00(KST)
  • Can be claimed once per account

Softlocking Issue Identified after the Sep.12th Scheduled Update

Announcement on Steam.


[Softlocking Issue Identified after the Sep.12th Scheduled Update]

Hello, this is Project Moon.

We have identified an issue where the game softlocks/freezes when an allied unit's SP reaches -45. We are currently investigating the causes of this issue, and will inform you via an additional update as soon as we identify its cause.

We sincerely apologize for causing a disturbance to your enjoyment of our game due to this freezing error.

We will deploy the fix on the STEAM version of the game as soon as it is fixed

As for Android and iOS versions of the game, we will request an emergency review to deploy the fix as soon as possible on those platforms as well.


Rodion Identity twitter teaser


2024, September 12th Scheduled Update Notice


Notice: Issues Identified in Sep. 5th Scheduled Update

Announcement on Steam.


[Notice: Issues Identified in Sep. 5th Scheduled Update]

Greetings, dear Manager.

The following are issues that have been identified in the September 5th Scheduled Update.


▶ An issue where some effects of the debuff 'Impending Ruin' do not work properly in Focused Encounters

(1) When inflicted against an enemy that has SP, the 'Panic change' effect does not occur

(2) When inflicted against an enemy, the effect completely expires at Turn End even when it has 2+ Stacks

▶ An issue where some effects of the debuff 'Echoes of the Manor' do not work properly in Focused Encounters

※ This effect has been working properly until today(Sep. 5th)'s Scheduled Update.

※ Relevant effects : 50% chance to gain 1 Sinking Count when gaining Sinking Potency or Count from Skill or Coin effects

▶ An issue where, when multiple instances of status effect damages are inflicted simultaneously, the affected Part HP Bar UI does not update in real time.

※ This is a visual-only issue; the damage itself is properly applied.

▶ An issue where, under certain circumstances, 'The Noon of Violet' Mission cannot be completed

※ Relevant Mission : Defeat Grant Us Love with Training Team Captain

▶ An issue where defeating an enemy with damage from one of the status effects does not count towards the 'Suppression Status' UI

※ They count properly toward the Missions, however.

▶ (Android) An issue where an in-combat Choice Event in 'The Noon of Violet' Hard combat Encounter does not properly load the event image

The above issues will be corrected via a future Scheduled Update, and we will inform you via a Scheduled Update Notice as soon as they are fixed.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

[September 5th Scheduled Update Error Compensation]

  • Compensation : Lunacy x300
  • Recipients : All users who have created their game accounts before Sep. 12th, 2024 10:00
  • When : After Sep. 5th (THU), 2024 18:30 (KST)
  • Can be claimed once per account

Error Compensation can be claimed until Sep. 12th (Thu) 2024, 10:00 (KST) via the in-game Mailbox. (Mail available for 7 days)


Details on Solemn Lament Gregor – 2024.09.05 (KST) The 4th Walpurgis Night Target Extraction


Details on Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang – 2024.09.05 (KST) The 4th Walpurgis Night Target Extraction


Details on Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū – 2024.09.05 (KST) The 4th Walpurgis Night Target Extraction


Sep. 5th New Content - The 4th Walpurgis Night

Announcement on Steam.












2024, September 5th Scheduled Update Notice

Announcement on Steam.










The 4th Walpurgis Night - PV


Yi Sang Identity twitter teaser


Issue: A different Sinner's Event ID appearing in Target Extraction - Ishmael


2024, August 29th Scheduled Update Notice


Notice: Issues Identified in Aug. 22nd Scheduled Update

Announcement on Steam.


[Notice: Issues Identified in Aug. 22nd Scheduled Update]

Greetings, Dear Manager.

The following are issues that have been identified in the August 22 scheduled update.


▶ An issue where using the Identify Takeoff Ticket on one of the LCB(base) Identities causes the game to soft lock

※ A temporary fix is to close the game and restart. Please note that this is only a softlocking issue, and that the ticket will be consumed to level and uptie your character as intended.

▶ An issue where Zwei South Section 5 Rodion’s corpse is used as the unit’s Clash Sprite

▶ An issue where Wild Hunt Heathcliff can ignore Stagger effects from forced Stagger effects by mounting Dullahan

▶ An issue where the knockback is greater than intended when rolling the same values in a Clash

▶ An issue where the Passive 'Anti-Ovine Grounding Plug' doesn't activate when hitting the Generator unit with a Counter Defense Skill

<Upcoming Adjustments for Aug. 29th Scheduled Update>

▶E.G.O Gift ‘Rags’ Description adjusted / Adjusted the “When using a Minus Coin” conditional to work with Defense Skills as well

※ In the 2024, June 10th Scheduled Update Notice, we notified that we have adjusted the effects of the Rags E.G.O Gift to not activate when using an E.G.O Skill. The Skill description will be adjusted also to reflect this.

  • Before : When using a Minus Coin Skill, …(the effect)… instead.

  • After : When the said unit uses a Minus Coin Skill(Not E.G.O Skills), …(the effect)… instead.

We also intend to change the effect to match the text, as it did not specify that it does not activate on Defense Skills. Rags will now activate for Minus Coin Defense Skills as well.

The above issues will be corrected via a future Scheduled Update, and we will inform you via a Scheduled Update Notice as soon as they are fixed.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.


Details on Wild Hunt Heathcliff – 2024.08.22 (KST) New Identity Target Extraction


2024, August 22nd Scheduled Update Notice


2024.08.22 (KST) New Identity Target Extraction – Wild Hunt Heathcliff


Heathcliff Identity twitter teaser