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TRISE Conference: #100yearsMurrayBookchin - Day 2

16:00-17:00 Nature & Ecology Session 1: Giannis Perperidis – Murray Bookchin and Andrew Feenberg: Searching for Technological Alternatives for the sake of the Environment Jordan Yanowitz – Los Angeles and the socio-ecological contexts in which it sits: Understanding its continental water system and its colonial origins Laura Schleifer – Hierarchy’s Hidden Link: How Domination within Human Society and of Nature Stems from the Human Domination of (Other) Animals, and How Free Nature Requires Freeing Animals

17:00-18:00 Nature & Ecology Session 2: Emet Değirmenci – Misanthropy and Ecofascism: Connection Johannes Shephard – Nature & Ecology: Covid-19 as an instance of a larger phenomenon of disease Anita Prakash – Restoring Ecology in Troubled Times:Searching for the Role of Direct Democracy in the Indian context

18:00-18:30 Break

18:30-19:30 Future Research Federico Venturini – Reflections towards a militant social ecology research approach Eve Olney & Krini Kafiris – Radical Institute: Developing Sustainable Social Ecological Praxis Marle Payva – Rethinking the Notion of Nature in International Law

19:30-20:30 Book Presentation Various authors will present the book: Hunt, S. (eds.). 2021, Ecological Solidarity & the Kurdish Freedom Movement, Lexington Books Various authors will present the book: Wright, D & Hill, S (eds.), 2020, Social Ecology and Education: Transforming Worldviews and Practices. Routledge

demokratyczny konfederalizm harc

TRISE Conference: #100yearsMurrayBookchin - Day 1

16:00-17:00 Political Practice & Activism Session 1: Davide Grasso – The Concept of Authority in Bookchin’s Works and Rojava’s Communalism Azize Cay – Informal hierarchy, organization and activism: insights from the Democratic Autonomy of North East Syria Georgios Daremas – On Bookchin’s Dialectical Naturalism

17:00-18:00 Political Practice & Activism Session 2: Heval Tekoşîn – Exploring Certainty in Revolutionary Politics Thomas Murray – Crack Capitalism or Communalism? Revolutionary strategies after Adorno Metin Guven – Systemic Cycles of Capital Accumulation and Future of Capitalism

18:00-18:30 Break

18:30-19:30 Libertarian Municipalism Session 1: Ben Price – Municipalism‘s Escape from the Colonizing Imperatives of Empire in the U.S. Robert Case & Bill Barrett – Could local environmental activism be a gateway to direct democracy at the municipal level? Reflections from water activism in Wellington County, Ontario

19:30-20:30 Libertarian Municipalism Session 2: Yavor Tarinski – Bookchin‘s political proposals and ideas on direct democracy, popular assemblies and municipalism Zaid Nasution – Recallable: Delegates Accountability in Democratic Confederalism Dimitri Roussopoulos – From Theory to Practice: the movement building of radical municipalism