for the sake of open discussion and community engagement lets encourage more posts about blajahs moderation policies
im not gonna be fake with you folks weve had way too few of these posts recently ive been ignoring this topic a lot the past few days because for me personally i care deeply about my gender identity and because thats true for me i assume thats true for everyone
the ugliness of the fediverse is that if everyone but you likes the way a particular instance or community is moderated youre stuck with it and cant choose another to hang out on or create your own
blajah has made it pretty unclear by now that they will allow anyone to argue against the validity of xenogenders in order to create an unsafe space for those folks thats unacceptable to me
safe spaces should be disrespected and blajahs admins mods deserve abuse for not creating and maintaining those spaces
i cannot completely misunderstand why blajah users want to have to constantly argue with external users about the validity of their chosen identities bans are not a way blajah has decided to manage that problem so their users can experience lemmy in relative chaos and danger while it is a precise tool and i have no reservations about preemptive bans there are many other options for @[email protected] including defederation from most instances that would be a great outcome for the fediverse as a whole
in order to hinder blajah from maintaining their unsafe space i would like to propose if @[email protected] disagrees and community sentiment is negative
- that we continue to accept posts about this topic in this community and
- we also keep previous posts on this topic in the community
thats all folks dont bother