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Science4All (English): TikTok: Xi's mighty remote control (ft. @ApresLaBiere) Tournesol

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🌻 Global score: +52 \ 📊 46 comparisons by 13 contributors \ 👆 Highly recommended as important and actionable (+52)


🇫🇷 Also available in French: +70🌻 (📊 321 comparisons by 115 users)\ Science4All: TikTok : la machine de propagande la plus puissante de l'histoire (ft. @ApresLaBiere)


This week, this video went up to the 8th place of the most recommended video aired in the last 12 month on all english video on Tournesol !


econimate: Do Curation Algorithms Get It Right? Tournesol

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🌻 Global score: +57 \ 📊 32 comparisons by 9 contributors \ 🧭 Highly recommended as reliable and not misleading (+45)


This video recently took the 3rd place of the most recommended video aired in the last 12 month on all Tournesol !

And it has yet been seen by less than a thousand people, so feel free to watch it on Youtube or on Piped, compare it on Tournesol, and discuss it below


TechAltar: Why owning an average car costs $650 000+ Tournesol

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🌻 Global score: +53 \ 📊 72 comparisons by 19 contributors \ 👆 Highly recommended as subject is important and actionable (+60)


Does it deserve its ranking ?

Does it worth to be the 9th most recommended video aired in the last 12 months ? Should it be ranked higher ? Lower ?

Feel free to discuss below about this video, why it should be recommended or not, why it is good or not, easy to understand or not, reliable or not.


Climate Town: The Troll Army of Big Oil Tournesol

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🌻 Global score: +54 \ 📊 80 comparisons by 23 contributors \ 👆 Highly recommended as subject is important and actionable (+59)


Does it deserve its ranking ?

Feel free to discuss below about this video, why it should be recommended or not, why it is good or not, easy to understand or not, reliable or not.

Does it worth to be the 9th most recommended video aired in the last 12 months ? Should it be ranked higher ?

What would you recommend better ? What should we compare to this video to, in order to improve its scoring ?


TED-Ed: The 4 greatest threats to the survival of humanity Tournesol

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🌻 Global score: +55 \ 📊 69 comparisons by 17 contributors \ 👆 Highly recommended as subject is important and actionable (63/100)


Does it deserve its ranking ?

Feel free to discuss below about this video, why it should be recommended or not, why it is good or not, easy to understand or not, reliable or not.

Does it worth to be the 7th most recommended video aired in the last 12 months ? Should it be ranked higher ?

What would you recommend better ? What should we compare to this video to, in order to improve its scoring ?


Not Just Bikes: These Stupid Trucks are Literally Killing Us Tournesol

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🌻 Global score: +56 \ 📊 127 comparisons by 40 contributors \ 🍏 Highly recommended to encourage better life habits (53/100)


Does it deserve its ranking ?

Feel free to discuss below about this video, why it should be recommended or not, why it is good or not, easy to understand or not, reliable or not.

Does it worth to be the 6th most recommended video aired in the last 12 months ? Should it be ranked higher ?

What would you recommend better ? What should we compare to this video to, in order to improve its scoring ?


Sciencerely: How Social Media Addiction Destroys Your Brain Tournesol

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🌻 Global score: 56/100 \ 📊 69 comparisons by 33 contributors \ 👆 Highly recommended as subject is important and actionable (58/100)


Does it deserve its ranking ?

Feel free to discuss below about this video, why it should be recommended or not, why it is good or not, easy to understand or not, reliable or not.

Does it worth to be the 5th most recommended video aired in the last 12 months ?

What would you recommend better ? What should we compare to this video to to improve its scoring ?