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The future of c/formula1 results

The results from the 2023 c/formula1 poll are in


I've been blown away by the 129 responses we had to this poll. This community is growing rapidly and so we got much more feedback than I expected.

Thank you all for taking the time to have your say, it's really appreciated!


I'd like to start by thanking everyone who volunteered to be a moderator.

I've added several moderators to the team, all of which should have received a DM from me confirming moderator status, and an invite to the Discord mod chat.

If you can see you are a mod, but didn't get the DM, please DM me. I know that at least one of you didn't get the message! Maybe Lemmy wasn't feeling well when I tried.

If you haven't been selected to be a moderator, it's entirely due to me not being able to find a post / comment made by you after a cursory search (if there's a better way to add a mod, do let me know!). If you're not currently a moderator and you'd still like to be, please feel free to let me know in here.


I'm sure you're all excited to see how the polls went, so here we go!

For transparency, a copy of all responses (user names removed) can be found here

Should c/formula1 allow posts with spoilers in the title?

|Option|Count| |---|---| |Yes|45| No|67| |Unsure|17|

This was a close one, with "No" winning out with just over 52% (rounded) of the votes. As Brits already know, 52% means Brexit, therefore we will not allow spoilers in post titles.

Please select the types of post you'd like to allow in c/formula1

|Option|Count| |---|---| |Live session discussion|121| |Post-race discussion|127| |Social media posts from teams|110| |Image posts (photos / F1 art)|107| |Meme posts|50| |Posts relating to the F1 TV service|76| |Posts relating to other motorsports (eg WEC, Indy Car, Formula E)|68| |Posts linking to F1 news websites|114| |Opinion / technical / statistics pieces by members of c/formula1|120| |Other|6 |

It's clear that whilst there is a demand for all F1 content, memes are the least favourable. There are some formuladank communities already available, so we will not allow memes in here.

We shall link to formuladank in the sidebar, along with any other appropriate communities.

6. Should c/formula1 allow posts covering the following illegal services?

|Option|Count| |---|---| |Live race streams|48| |Post-race streams|32| |F1 Torrents|30| |IPTV Services|24| |Other|76|

The general opinion was that we should not offer pirate services in this community. The "Other" option was frequently used to express this, as well as the follow-up question #7.

We shall not allow pirate services to be posted in this community. Clarification of what this constitutes will be included in the rules when they are posted.

There were several arguments against this, and I feel that most of us who want to find streams / downloads will be resourceful enough to do so anyway.

8. Should we by and large use the rules from r/formula1 for our community, where possible?

This was the most clear result, with a great majority of you wanting those rules, or something very similar. I'm working on updating the rules and aim to post them after the Canadian GP.

9. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

This was by and large a lovely set of messages showing support for the community. Thank you!


So there you have it! We shall revisit the rules again next year. Please do feel free to message me or any of the other mods, or post in the community if you think there should be a change made somewhere.



Have your say on the future of c/formula1

Hello everyone,

Edit: Responses to the survey are now closed. Thank you for your feedback. I shall present the results soon.

I know, I know. It's another meta post from me!

I got some great feedback from you all regarding the race weekend post format. For Canada we shall trial one stickied post for the whole weekend. We can see how that goes and find out if it makes sense to be a little more granular.

This time I've set up a survey to give everyone a voice on what kind of content we should allow in this community.

The survey can be found here.

Any and all responses are welcome. Feel free to remain anonymous if you wish. I only really need your username if you're wanting to become a moderator. Please enter any mod experience in to the last question if so. I'm not necessarily looking for experienced mods, but it'll be great to know what experience you guys have.

I'll leave the survey up until Wednesday 14th, with a view to formalising the rules we wish to follow after the Canadian GP. I'll hopefully have mods on board prior to that as I'll likely not be able to moderate during the sessions where discussion is often at its most heated.

Thanks for your time all!


Race weekend posts

Hi all,

How would you like to handle race weekends? AFAIK bots are not really there yet with Lemmy (please advise me if I'm wrong), so I can't automate posts for each session.

Given the current size of the community, do we want / need separate posts for practice / qualifying / race / Post-Race posts?

What do you all want to see?