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What is that one wrestler you just don't like/get?

We all watch a fairly wide range of wrestling, so across all your favourite/usual promotions:

Who is that one wrestler above all others that you just can't get into?

Do you hate their wrestling style? Is their character boring? Do they just not do anything for you? Hate the performer (keep it civil)? Was there some angle that soured you on them? Let us know! (and obviously do feel free to mention multiple people if needed lol).


Pro Wrestling 2023 - A year in review! What was your favourite...everything?

With only a few weeks left in the year (and we can all expect some of us may not be around as much during that time), now seems as good a time as any to reflect on the year and all that we've seen so far!

So with that said:

Matches, wrestlers, companies, what really stood out for you during 2023? What was your highest of highs, and lowest of lows. Did any wrestler go above and beyond your expectations? Did any big match you were waiting for end up being a huge let down? What company's booking did you like and hate the most during the year? Let us know what you think of how everything has gone down below!


Professional Wrestling Factions

I clutter this board up with a lot of news, let's change it up today and get some talk going.

So: Factions. Some promotions rely on them. Some never use them. Some of them are responsible for the greatest moments in the history of pro wrestling. Some...were fuckin' annoying.

So what's your thoughts? Love factions? Hate factions? Favourite/least favourite factions? Any favourite segments? Sound off!