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Il Siracusano

Majima Lappland hunt for Texas and wacky Siracusan politics IS-10: Incandescent Ally IS-9: Compound Cutting Fluid IS-8: Orirock Cluster

Farming efficiency: Alloy \> Fluid \> Rocks Again thanks to Gamepress for all the calculations. Returning Players:

The following stages should be cleared for certs and other rewards: IS-2, IS-5, IS-8, IS-9, IS-10, IS-EX-8 CM.

Would advise to visit for upcoming events.


Il Siracusano

Lappland hunt for Texas and wacky Siracusan politics IS-10: Incandescent Ally IS-9: Compound Cutting Fluid IS-8: Orirock Cluster

Farming efficiency: Alloy \> Fluid \> Rocks Again thanks to Gamepress for all the calculations. Returning Players:

The following stages should be cleared for certs and other rewards: IS-2, IS-5, IS-8, IS-9, IS-10, IS-EX-8 CM.

Would advise to visit for upcoming events.


Dorothy's Vision

Big mechs, strange phenomena and good intention going awry! Dorothy Vision returns! there was never delay, no delays in our schedule DV-8: Incandescent Ally IDV-7: Loxic Kohl DV-6: Polyester Pack

Farming efficiency: Kohl \> alloy \> Poly Again thanks to Gamepress for all the calculations. Returning Players:

The following stages should be cleared for certs: DV-1, DV-2, DV-3, DV-4, DV-5, DV-6, DV-7, DV-8, DV-EX-8-CM.

Would advise to visit for upcoming events.


Ideal City

Underground city? Check. Genius little people? Check. Trouble in paradise? Check! The return of Ideal city is here! IC-9: RMA70-12 IC-8: Coagulating Gel IC-7: Aketon

Farming efficiency: Gel \> Aketon \> RMA Again thanks to Gamepress for all the calculations. Returning Players:

``` The following stages should be cleared for certs: IC-1, IC-2, IC-3, IC-4, IC-5, IC-6, IC-7, IC-8, IC-9, IC-EX-8-CM .


Would advise for future resource farming and vague prediction of future in-game events


Stultifera Navis

The Ship of Fools is back! Remember that silence and stun are your best friends in this event! ` SN-10: Compound Cutting Fluid SN-9: Manganese Ore SN-8: Oriron Cluster

Farming efficiency: Mangos \> Oriron \> Fluid.` Again thanks to Gamepress for all the calculations. Returning Players:

``` The following stages should be cleared for certs: SN-2, SN-3, SN-4, SN-5, SN-8, SN-9, SN-10, SN-EX-8 .


And remember Golden age will return again! \#arknights #marknights