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Weekend Off-Topic Thread (23/06/23)

Forgot to post this, but uhh, same case as last weak, talk about whatever


CC#11 "Operation Fake Waves" is Now Closed.

Good luck in CC, good luck with the gacha if you're rolling


Il Siracusano

Majima Lappland hunt for Texas and wacky Siracusan politics IS-10: Incandescent Ally IS-9: Compound Cutting Fluid IS-8: Orirock Cluster

Farming efficiency: Alloy \> Fluid \> Rocks Again thanks to Gamepress for all the calculations. Returning Players:

The following stages should be cleared for certs and other rewards: IS-2, IS-5, IS-8, IS-9, IS-10, IS-EX-8 CM.

Would advise to visit for upcoming events.


Il Siracusano

Lappland hunt for Texas and wacky Siracusan politics IS-10: Incandescent Ally IS-9: Compound Cutting Fluid IS-8: Orirock Cluster

Farming efficiency: Alloy \> Fluid \> Rocks Again thanks to Gamepress for all the calculations. Returning Players:

The following stages should be cleared for certs and other rewards: IS-2, IS-5, IS-8, IS-9, IS-10, IS-EX-8 CM.

Would advise to visit for upcoming events.


Zwillingstürme im Herbst

The glorious Leithanien music will go on eternally .

  • CV-6: Oriron Cluster
  • CV-7: Integrated Device
  • CV-8: Loxic Kohl

Farming efficiency: Device \> Kohl \> Oriron Again thanks to Gamepress for all the calculations.

Would advise to visit


Episode 13: The Whirlpool That is Passion

Chapter 13 is out! Change of mechanic in chapter release, you get sanity boosters and material loot from spending sanity, so no more chance for drop and no more 1-7 being best farm stage .

Delphine is our new chapter welfare.

The banner that came along has Hoeder, Quercus, Vendela and Verdant.

Remember that doing at maximum difficulty also rewards all lower difficulties first time rewards as well.

Event PV Also if you curios what will be next I didn't done Design of strife thread due event being so hard that people who need guides know where to find them edited due being confused how mechanic worked


Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures

Black steel event! Black steel event! Black steel\\\~ event!

  • CV-6: Sugar Pack
  • CV-7: Grindstone
  • CV-8: Transmuted Salt

Farming efficiency: Sugar \> Grindstone \> Salt Again thanks to Gamepress for all the calculations.

The event stages will be released in parts:

``` Part 1 : Septemeber 5 - September 19 Part 2: Septemeber 12 - September 19


Would advise to visit


Operator and Module Information: Lucent Arrowhead

Operator Information ==========


  • E2 max for HP/ATK/DEF/RES; Trust bonuses included
  • Welfares and 4\*s regarded as Pot 6; other units regarded as Pot 1
  • E0 -\> E1 -\> E2 for DP Cost and Block (if applicable)

6\* Trapmaster: Ela ----------

Trait: Can use traps to assist in combat, but traps cannot be placed on tiles already occupied by an enemy


| HP | ATK |Attack Interval| Deployment Cost | |:-----:|:-----:|:-------------:|:-------------------:| | 1468 | 668 | 0.85 seconds | 10 -\> 12 -\> 12 | |DEF|RES|Block Count|Redeployment Time| | 173 | 0 | 1 | 70 seconds |

Trust bonus: ATK +80

Potential gains:

|Potential 2| Potential 3 |Potential 4| Potential 5 |Potential 6| |:---------:|:-------------------:|:---------:|:--------------------:|:---------:| |DP Cost -1 |Improves First Talent| ATK +27 |Improves Second Talent|DP Cost -1 |


  • Talent 1:

> > > Ela can deploy up to 3 (+1) Grzmot Mines (Can store up to 4). The first enemy that steps on a Grzmot Mine will trigger its effect. When Ela is retreated, the Grzmot Mine effect will be triggered, centered on Ela. > >

  • Talent 2:

> > > Attacks have a 30% chance to increase ATK to 150% (+160%); the effect is guaranteed against enemies affected by Grzmot Mines. > >


  • S1: 0/21 (0/18) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Auto Activation

> > > Passive: When Grzmot Mines are triggered, enemies within a 1.7-tile radius are Slowed and their Physical/Arts hit rate will be reduced by 30% (40%) for 9 (10) seconds. > >

> > > Active effect: Immediately gain 1 Grzmot Mine > >

  • S2: 8/19 (12/16) Initial SP, Offensive Recovery, Manual Activation, 20s Duration

> > > Passive: When Grzmot Mines are triggered, enemies within a 1.7-tile radius are Stunned for 4 (5) seconds. > >

> > > Active effect: Ela uses a Deployable Shield which increases her DEF by 250% (300%) and reduces her Attack Range. Attacks deal Physical splash damage in a 1.1-tile radius and ignore 500 (800) DEF. > >

> > > When the skill ends, gain 1 Grzmot Mine. > >

  • S3: 16/40 (16/34) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Manual Activation

> > > Passive: When Grzmot Mines are triggered, enemies within a 1.7-tile radius are Slowed and are inflicted with 25% (35%) Fragile for 6 (7) seconds. > >

> > > Active effect: Attack Interval -0.35 seconds; ATK +60% (+90%); prioritizes attacking enemies hit by Grzmot Mines. > >

> > > Skill activation grants 40 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo is used (Can manually deactivate skill) > >

> > > When the skill ends, gain 2 Grzmot Mines. > >

Base Skills

E0: When assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, for every other [Defender] Operator in the Base (excluding assistants, max 4), Operators' Specialization training speed +10%

[Defender] Operators: Tachanka, Frost, Ela, Doc

E2: When assigned to the Control Center, increases the likelihood of obtaining clues that are not on the Clue Board, but increases Morale recovery per hour of all Operators in the Control Center except self by +0.25

5\* Instructor: Doc ----------

Trait: Can attack enemies from range; When attacking enemies not blocked by self, increase ATK to 120%


| HP | ATK |Attack Interval| Deployment Cost | |:-----:|:-----:|:-------------:|:-------------------:| | 2367 | 657 | 1.05 seconds | 14 -\> 16 -\> 16 | |DEF|RES|Block Count|Redeployment Time| | 400 | 0 | 2 | 70 seconds |

Trust bonus: HP +150, DEF +40

Potential gains:

|Potential 2| Potential 3 |Potential 4| Potential 5 |Potential 6| |:---------:|:------------------:|:---------:|:-------------:|:---------:| |DP Cost -1 |Redeployment Time -4|Max HP +200|Improves Talent|DP Cost -1 |


> > > Max HP +12%; attacks ignore 120 (+20) DEF > >


  • S1: 11/30 (15/25) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Manual Activation

> > > Immediately heals self for 300% (400%) ATK; Attack Interval -0.7s afterwards > >

> > > Skill activation grants 31 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo is used (Can manually deactivate skill); Can only be used 3 times every deployment > >

  • S2: 9/20 (15/20) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Manual Activation

> > > Immediately fires the Stim Pistol forward; if the first target hit is an allied Operator, they will be healed for 600% (750%) of Doc’s ATK > >

> > > Can only be used 3 times every deployment > >

Base Skills

E0: When assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, for every other [Defender] Operator in the Base (excluding assistants, max 4), Operators' Specialization training speed +10%

[Defender] Operators: Tachanka, Frost, Ela, Doc

E2: When assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.2 Morale per hour to all Operators assigned to that Dormitory (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place).

5\* Dollkeeper: Iana ----------

Trait: Does not retreat upon receiving lethal damage, instead swaps to a \<Substitute\> (Substitute has 0 Block). Swaps back to the original after 20 seconds


| HP | ATK |Attack Interval| Deployment Cost | |:-----:|:-----:|:-------------:|:-------------------:| | 2436 | 758 | 1.2 seconds | 13 -\> 15 -\> 15 | |DEF|RES|Block Count|Redeployment Time| | 321 | 0 | 1 | 70 seconds |

Trust bonus: ATK +50, DEF +30

Potential gains:

|Potential 2| Potential 3 |Potential 4| Potential 5 |Potential 6| |:---------:|:------------------:|:---------:|:-------------:|:---------:| |DP Cost -1 |Redeployment Time -4| ATK +27 |Improves Talent|DP Cost -1 |


> > > When Iana is deployed, the Gemini occupies her tile. The Gemini does not attack. When the Gemini is attacked, the attacker will be afflicted with a 20% (+2%) Fragile and they lose Invisibility for 8 seconds, and the Gemini will be replaced by the \<Substitute\> in combat. > >


  • S1: Passive

> > > Upon switching to the \<Substitute\>, immediately deals 340% (400%) ATK as Physical Splash Damage to the Gemini’s attacker in a 1-tile radius > >

  • S2: 4/6 (4/5) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Manual Activation, 10s Duration

> > > Immediately causes surrounding enemies to lose Invisibility for 10 seconds and switches to the \<Substitute\> > >

> > > ASPD +260 (+300) and gains Invisibility for the skill’s duration > >

Base Skills

E0: When assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, for every other [Attacker] Operator in the Base (excluding assistants, max 4), Operators' Specialization training speed +10%

[Attacker] Operators: Ash, Blitz, Iana, Fuze

E2: When assigned to the Reception Room, Clue search speed increases by 5%, and for every 1 [Intelligence Reserve], increases by extra 5%

5\* Centurion: Fuze ----------

Trait: Attacks all blocked enemies


| HP | ATK |Attack Interval| Deployment Cost | |:-----:|:-----:|:-------------:|:-------------------:| | 2660 | 835 | 1.2 seconds | 18 -\> 20 -\> 22 | |DEF|RES|Block Count|Redeployment Time| | 330 | 0 | 2 -\> 2 -\> 3 | 70 seconds |

Trust bonus: ATK +40, DEF +40

Potential gains:

|Potential 2| Potential 3 |Potential 4| Potential 5 |Potential 6| |:---------:|:-------------------:|:---------:|:-------------:|:---------:| |DP Cost -1 |Redeployment Time -10|DP Cost -1 |Improves Talent|DP Cost -1 |


> > > Fuze has a 27% (+3%) chance to resist ranged Physical Damage received. > >


  • S1: 21/49 (25/45) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Manual Activation

> > > Attack Range +1 tile; ATK +17% (+30%); ASPD +75 (+90) > >

> > > Skill activation grants 100 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo is used (Can manually deactivate skill) > >

  • S2: 16/34 (20/30) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Manual Activation

> > > When this skill is activated, plants Cluster Charges on the ranged tile in front of Fuze. After a certain delay, the Cluster Charges will explode 5 times on passable ground tiles behind the ranged tile, dealing 440% (480%) ATK as Physical damage in a 0.8-tile radius each time. > >

> > > This skill can only be used when Fuze is facing a ranged tile with passable ground tiles behind it; Can only be used 3 times every deployment > >

Base Skills

E0: When assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, for every other [Attacker] Operator in the Base (excluding assistants, max 4), Operators' Specialization training speed +10%

[Attacker] Operators: Ash, Blitz, Iana, Fuze

E2: When assigned to a Factory, productivity +20%, and for every 1 bottle of Ursus Specialty Beverage, Capacity Limit +2


Module Information ==========

| Operator |Mod Level| Stat Gains | Effect | |:-------------------:|:-----------:|:---------------------:|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Jessica the Liberated| 1 |HP +180 ATK +50 DEF +25| Trait upgrade: Blocks 3 enemies and attacks from long range; enemies within Attack Range lose Invisibility | | | 2 |HP +220 ATK +57 DEF +31| Talent upgrade: Can deploy a stronger Mobile Shield (HP +300, DEF +57) adjacent to Jessica that lasts for 50s -\> 55s. After the Mobile Shield is deployed, Jessica changes her deployment direction to face the Mobile Shield, increasing the DEF of Jessica and allies behind her by 15% | | | 3 |HP +250 ATK +65 DEF +37| Talent upgrade: Can deploy an even stronger Mobile Shield (HP +380, DEF +79) adjacent to Jessica that lasts for 55s -\> 60s. After the Mobile Shield is deployed, Jessica changes her deployment direction to face the Mobile Shield, increasing the DEF of Jessica and allies behind her by 15% | | Liskarm | 1 | ATK +38 DEF +30 | Trait upgrade: Blocks 3 enemies and attacks from long range; enemies within Attack Range lose Invisibility | | | 2 | ATK +47 DEF +38 | Talent upgrade: Restores 1 Skill Point to this Operator and a random ally in the surrounding tiles when attacked; there is a 30% certain chance to restore 1 additional SP | | | 3 | ATK +52 DEF +43 | Talent upgrade: Restores 1 Skill Point to this Operator and a random ally in the surrounding tiles when attacked; there is a 30% -\> 60% to restore 1 additional SP | | Blitz | 1 | HP +180 ATK +35 | Trait upgrade: Blocks 3 enemies and attacks from long range; enemies within Attack Range lose Invisibility | | | 2 | HP +220 ATK +40 | Talent upgrade: Prioritize Stunned enemies; ATK increased to 160% -\> 170% when attacking Stunned enemies | | | 3 | HP +250 ATK +52 | Talent upgrade: Prioritize Stunned enemies; ATK increased to 170% -\> 180% when attacking Stunned enemies | | Ela | 1 | ATK +36 DEF +12 | Trait upgrade: Can use traps to assist in combat, but traps cannot be placed on tiles already occupied by an enemy; the Operator can be deployed on ground tiles, and traps can be deployed on ranged tiles | | | 2 | ATK +50 DEF +22 | Talent upgrade: Attacks have a 30% -\> 40% to increase ATK to 150% -\> 160%; the effect is guaranteed against enemies affected by Grzmot Mines. | | | 3 | ATK +60 DEF +30 | Talent upgrade: Attacks have an 40% -\> 50% to increase ATK to 160% -\> 170%; the effect is guaranteed against enemies affected by Grzmot Mines. | | Fuze | 1 | HP +100 ATK +50 | Trait upgrade: Attacks all blocked enemies; While above 50% HP, reduces the amount of Physical damage taken by 20% | | | 2 | HP +150 ATK +60 | Talent upgrade: Fuze has a 30% -\> 33% chance to resist ranged Physical Damage received, and has +3% DEF | | | 3 | HP +180 ATK +70 | Talent upgrade: Fuze has a 33% -\> 35% chance to resist ranged Physical Damage received, and has +3% -\> +6% DEF | | Iana | 1 | ATK +45 DEF +25 | Trait upgrade: Instead of retreating when defeated, switch to a \<Substitute\> (Substitute has 0 Block, but ATK is increased) for 20 seconds before switching back to the original | | | 2 | ATK +55 DEF +35 |Talent upgrade: When Ela is deployed, the Gemini occupies her tile. The Gemini does not attack. When the Gemini is attacked, the attacker will be afflicted with a 20% -\> 25% Fragile effect and they lose Invisibility for 8s -\> 10s, and the Gemini will be replaced by the \<Substitute\> to attack.| | | 3 | ATK +65 DEF +40 | Talent upgrade: When Ela is deployed, the Gemini occupies her tile. The Gemini does not attack. When the Gemini is attacked, the attacker will be afflicted with a 25% -\> 28% Fragile effect and they lose Invisibility for 10s, and the Gemini will be replaced by the \<Substitute\> to attack. | | Doc | 1 |HP +100 ATK +25 DEF +15| Trait upgrade: Can attack enemies from range; When attacking enemies not blocked by self, increase ATK to 120%; Can also be deployed on Ranged tiles | | | 2 |HP +150 ATK +30 DEF +20| Talent upgrade: Max HP +12% -\> +15%; attacks ignore 120 -\> 150 DEF | | | 3 |HP +180 ATK +35 DEF +23| Talent upgrade: Max HP +15% -\> +18%; attacks ignore 150 -\> 180 DEF | | Ash | 1 |HP +90 ATK +14 DEF +12 | Trait upgrade: Attacks aerial enemies first; Increases ATK to 110% when attacking aerial targets | | | 2 |HP +140 ATK +19 DEF +16| Talent upgrade: After deployment, immediately throw a Stun Grenade at an enemy within range, Stun them and nearby enemies for 4s -\> 5s, and Ash deals +7% Physical Damage to the affected targets for 5 seconds | | | 3 |HP +170 ATK +22 DEF +19| Talent upgrade: After deployment, immediately throw a Stun Grenade at an enemy within range, Stun them and nearby enemies for 5s -\> 6s, and Ash deals +7% -\> +10% increased Physical Damage to the affected targets for 5s -\> 6s |



Dorothy's Vision

Big mechs, strange phenomena and good intention going awry! Dorothy Vision returns! there was never delay, no delays in our schedule DV-8: Incandescent Ally IDV-7: Loxic Kohl DV-6: Polyester Pack

Farming efficiency: Kohl \> alloy \> Poly Again thanks to Gamepress for all the calculations. Returning Players:

The following stages should be cleared for certs: DV-1, DV-2, DV-3, DV-4, DV-5, DV-6, DV-7, DV-8, DV-EX-8-CM.

Would advise to visit for upcoming events.


: Module Details: Lucent Arrowhead

| Operator |Mod Level| Stat Gains | Effect | |:-------------------:|:-----------:|:-----------------:|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Jessica the Liberated| 1 | HP+ ATK+ DEF+ | Trait upgrade: Blocks 3 enemies and attacks from long range; enemies within Attack Range lose Invisibility | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ DEF++ | Talent upgrade: Can deploy a stronger Mobile Shield adjacent to Jessica that lasts for a longer duration. After the Mobile Shield is deployed, Jessica changes her deployment direction to face the Mobile Shield, increasing the DEF of Jessica and allies behind her by 15% | | | 3 |HP+++ ATK+++ DEF+++| Talent upgrade: Can deploy an even stronger Mobile Shield adjacent to Jessica that lasts for an even longer duration. After the Mobile Shield is deployed, Jessica changes her deployment direction to face the Mobile Shield, increasing the DEF of Jessica and allies behind her by 15% | | Liskarm | 1 | ATK+ DEF+ | Trait upgrade: Blocks 3 enemies and attacks from long range; enemies within Attack Range lose Invisibility | | | 2 | ATK++ DEF++ | Talent upgrade: Restores 1 Skill Point to this Operator and a random ally in the surrounding tiles when attacked; there is a certain chance to restore 1 additional SP | | | 3 | ATK+++ DEF+++ | Talent upgrade: Restores 1 Skill Point to this Operator and a random ally in the surrounding tiles when attacked; there is a greater chance to restore 1 additional SP | | Blitz | 1 | HP+ ATK+ | Trait upgrade: Blocks 3 enemies and attacks from long range; enemies within Attack Range lose Invisibility | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ | Talent upgrade: Prioritize Stunned enemies; ATK further increased when attacking Stunned enemies | | | 3 | HP+++ ATK+++ | Talent upgrade: Prioritize Stunned enemies; ATK even further increased when attacking Stunned enemies | | Ela | 1 | ATK+ DEF+ | Trait upgrade: Can use traps to assist in combat, but traps cannot be placed on tiles already occupied by an enemy; the Operator can be deployed on ground tiles, and traps can be deployed on ranged tiles | | | 2 | ATK++ DEF++ | Talent upgrade: Attacks have a greater chance to increase ATK to a higher amount; the effect is guaranteed against enemies affected by Grzmot Mines. | | | 3 | ATK+++ DEF+++ | Talent upgrade: Attacks have an even greater chance to increase ATK to an even higher amount; the effect is guaranteed against enemies affected by Grzmot Mines. | | Fuze | 1 | HP+ ATK+ | Trait upgrade: Attacks all blocked enemies; While above 50% HP, reduces the amount of Physical damage taken by 20% | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ | Talent upgrade: Fuze has an increased chance to resist ranged Physical Damage received, and has increased DEF | | | 3 | HP+++ ATK+++ | Talent upgrade: Fuze has a further increased chance to resist ranged Physical Damage received, and has further increased DEF | | Iana | 1 | ATK+ DEF+ | Trait upgrade: Instead of retreating when defeated, switch to a \<Substitute\> (Substitute has 0 Block, but ATK is increased) for 20 seconds before switching back to the original | | | 2 | ATK++ DEF++ | Talent upgrade: When Ela is deployed, the Gemini occupies her tile. The Gemini does not attack. When the Gemini is attacked, the attacker will be afflicted with a stronger Fragile effect and they lose Invisibility for a longer duration, and the Gemini will be replaced by the \<Substitute\> to attack. | | | 3 | ATK+++ DEF+++ |Talent upgrade: When Ela is deployed, the Gemini occupies her tile. The Gemini does not attack. When the Gemini is attacked, the attacker will be afflicted with an even stronger Fragile effect and they lose Invisibility for a longer duration, and the Gemini will be replaced by the \<Substitute\> to attack.| | Doc | 1 | HP+ ATK+ DEF+ | Trait upgrade: Can attack enemies from range; When attacking enemies not blocked by self, increase ATK to 120%; Can also be deployed on Ranged tiles | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ DEF++ | Talent upgrade: Max HP further increased; attacks ignore a greater amount of the target's DEF | | | 3 |HP+++ ATK+++ DEF+++| Talent upgrade: Max HP even further increased; attacks ignore an even greater amount of the target's DEF | | Ash | 1 | HP+ ATK+ DEF+ | Trait upgrade: Attacks aerial enemies first; Increases ATK to 110% when attacking aerial targets | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ DEF++ | Talent upgrade: After deployment, immediately throw a Stun Grenade at an enemy within range, Stun them and nearby enemies for a longer duration, and Ash deals increased Physical Damage to the affected targets for a few seconds | | | 3 |HP+++ ATK+++ DEF+++| Talent upgrade: After deployment, immediately throw a Stun Grenade at an enemy within range, Stun them and nearby enemies for an even longer duration, and Ash deals further increased Physical Damage to the affected targets for a longer duration |


  • Ela base Talent: Attacks have a 30% chance to increase ATK to 150%; the effect is guaranteed against enemies affected by Grzmot Mines.
  • Iana base Talent: When Ela is deployed, the Gemini occupies her tile. The Gemini does not attack. When the Gemini is attacked, the attacker will be afflicted with a 20% Fragile and they lose Invisibility for 8 seconds, and the Gemini will be replaced by the \<Substitute\> to attack.
  • Doc base Talent: Max HP +12%; attacks ignore 120 DEF
  • Fuze base Talent: Fuze has a 27% chance to resist ranged Physical Damage received

The Black Forest Wills A Dream / Skógrinn Svartr Vill Einn Draumr

Our first Vignette in ages that also related to IS4 that will be soon afterwards!

  • ``` FD-7: Oriron Cluster


  • ``` FD-8: Integrated Device


Farming efficiency: Integrated Device \> Oriron Cluster Again thanks to Gamepress for all the calculations.

The only way to unlock Vignettes stories are by using Information Fragments so best to buy as much as you can instead of using red certificates. Would advise to visit Also late posting this, so sorry for being late


Trials for Navigator #3

Boss rush event is back! From February 12, 2024, 10:00(UTC-7) - February 26, 2024, 03:59(UTC-7) . You don't need to clear all stages, but clearing them all and doing side missions will net you so much points that you don't need to "grind" event.

  1. TN-1: Survival of the Fittest - Preset Operators All DP will be consumed whenever a non-Vanguard Operator is deployed. For each DP consumed in this manner, that Operator gains +1% ATK .

  2. TN-2: Blood an Terror - Preset Operators For each Yan Operator on the field, including their summons, all Operators and summons have +8% HP and recover +0.8% HP/s

3.TN-3: Deep in Danger - Preset Operators Each time an Operator uses a skill, all Rhine Lab Operators gain +2 SP


  • TN1 : Pancho Salas, The Big Ugly Thing
  • TN2 : Tola, Blood Knight, Damazti Cluster
  • TN3 : Quintus, First to Talk, The Endspeaker
  • TN4 : Father Agenir, Andoain, Zaaro



Ideal City

Underground city? Check. Genius little people? Check. Trouble in paradise? Check! The return of Ideal city is here! IC-9: RMA70-12 IC-8: Coagulating Gel IC-7: Aketon

Farming efficiency: Gel \> Aketon \> RMA Again thanks to Gamepress for all the calculations. Returning Players:

``` The following stages should be cleared for certs: IC-1, IC-2, IC-3, IC-4, IC-5, IC-6, IC-7, IC-8, IC-9, IC-EX-8-CM .


Would advise for future resource farming and vague prediction of future in-game events


Operator and Module Information: Here A People Sows

Operator Information ==========


  • E2 max for HP/ATK/DEF/RES; Trust bonuses included
  • Welfares and 4\*s regarded as Pot 6; other units regarded as Pot 1
  • E0 -\> E1 -\> E2 for DP Cost and Block (if applicable)

6\* Guardian: Shu ----------

Trait: Can heal allies by using skill(s)


| HP | ATK |Attack Interval| Deployment Cost | |:-----:|:-----:|:-------------:|:-------------------:| | 3213 | 529 | 1.2s | 18 -\> 20 -\> 22 | |DEF|RES|Block Count|Redeployment Time| | 662 | 10 | 1 | 70s |

Trust bonus: ATK +50, DEF +60

Potential gains:

|Potential 2|Potential 3|Potential 4| Potential 5 |Potential 6| |:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:-------------------:|:---------:| |DP Cost -1 | HP +200 | ATK +25 |Improves First Talent|DP Cost -1 |


  • Talent 1:

> > > When healing Operators, seeds will be planted on the targets and the 4 adjacent tiles, and applies the following effects: restore 70 (+5) HP per second and grant 10% (+2%) Sanctuary > >

  • Talent 2:

> > > When there are three Operators of different classes deployed, all Operators gain +12% Max HP; When there are three Operators of the same class deployed, all Operators gain +12 ASPD; When there are 4 [Sui] Operators in the squad, all Operators gain +12% ATK and +1 SP every 4 seconds. > >


  • S1: 0/5 (0/4) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Auto Activation

> > > Restores the HP of a nearby ally with less than 50% HP by 150% (180%) of the Operator’s ATK in the next attack > >

> > > Can store 2 (3) charges > >

  • S2: 20/30 (20/25) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Manual Activation, 25s Duration

> > > Stops attacking and focuses on healing up to 2 friendly units in range; ATK +90% (+120%); Block +1; Talent 1 effect increases to 1.4x (1.5x). > >

> > > There is a separate interval for healing. > >

  • S3: 30/50 (30/45) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Manual Activation, 30s Duration

> > > Healing Range expands; Can attack and heal Operators simultaneously; ATK +34% (+50%). When there are ground enemies on sown tiles, friendly units within range gain 20% (25%) ATK and +20 (+25) ASPD. When enemies pass through sown tiles, they gain the following effect: When they move at least 3 tiles (2 tiles) from the sown tile, they will be teleported back to the sown tile. > >

Base Skills

E0: When assigned to a Factory, the Morale consumption of all Operators in the current Factory is reduced by -0.1 per hour.

E2: When assigned to a Factory, for every 3 \<Worldly Plight\>, productivity +1%.

6\* Soloblade: Zuo Le ----------

Trait: Can’t be healed by other units. Recovers 70 self HP every time this Operator attacks an enemy


| HP | ATK |Attack Interval| Deployment Cost | |:-----:|:-----:|:-------------:|:-------------------:| | 4198 | 820 | 1.2s | 22 -\> 24 -\> 26 | |DEF|RES|Block Count|Redeployment Time| | 355 | 0 | 1 | 70s |

Trust bonus: Max HP +340, ATK +40, DEF +40

Potential gains:

|Potential 2| Potential 3 |Potential 4| Potential 5 |Potential 6| |:---------:|:------------------:|:---------:|:--------------------:|:---------:| |DP Cost -1 |Redeployment Time -4| ATK +26 |Improves Second Talent|DP Cost -1 |


  • Talent 1:

> > > Gains up to +50 ASPD and +2 SP-recovery Tenacity (reaches maximum bonus when losing 70% Max HP) > >

  • Talent 2:

> > > 20% (+3%) chance to gain 1 SP when attacking; this chance increases to 70% (+5%) when below 50% HP > >


  • S1: 4/5 (6/4) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Auto Activation

> > > The ATK of the next attack is increased to 160% (200%). When Zuo Le’s HP is below 80%, he will attack an additional time. When Zuo Le’s HP is below 50%, he will attack 2 additional times. > >

> > > Can store 2 (3) charges > >

  • S2: 10/24 (13/20) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Manual Activation, 12s Duration

> > > Immediately loses 50% current HP and gains a Barrier equal to 90% (120%) Max HP. ATK +140% (+170%); Block +1; attacks all blocked enemies. > >

> > > The Barrier cannot exceed 200% Max HP and decays at a rate of -200 per second after the skill ends. > >

  • S3: 6/28 (10/25) Initial SP, Automatic Recovery, Manual Activation

> > > Slashes 7 times at enemies, each slash dealing 220% (245%) ATK as Physical Damage to 3 enemies (the percentage of the last hit is doubled and targets are Stunned for 4 (5) seconds). During the skill, the Trait’s HP recovery is changed to obtaining a Barrier > thrice the recovery amount > >

> > > The Barrier cannot exceed 200% Max HP and lasts 15 seconds. > >

Base Skills

E0: When assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Operators’ Specialization training speed +25%.

E2: When assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, for each time a Specialization is completed, 1 \<Martial Arts\> will be obtained. When Martial Arts reaches the limit, the next time this Operator trains a Guard Operator to Specialization Level 1, the training will be immediately completed and all \<Martial Arts\> are consumed.

5\* Decel Binder: Grain Buds ----------

Trait: Deals Arts damage and Slow the target for a short time


| HP | ATK |Attack Interval| Deployment Cost | |:-----:|:-----:|:-------------:|:-------------------:| | 1260 | 590 | 1.9s | 13 -\> 15 -\> 15 | |DEF|RES|Block Count|Redeployment Time| | 100 | 20 | 1 | 70s |

Trust bonus: ATK +65

Potential gains:

|Potential 2| Potential 3 |Potential 4| Potential 5 |Potential 6| |:---------:|:------------------:|:---------:|:-------------:|:---------:| |DP Cost -1 |Redeployment Time -4| ATK +23 |Improves Talent|DP Cost -1 |


> > > ASPD +10 (+2); when attacking [Wild Beasts], the Trait’s Slow duration is increased by 0.4 seconds. > >


  • S1: 0/6 (0/5) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Auto Activation

> > > The next attack deals 170% (210%) ATK as Arts Damage and attacks 1 additional target. > >

> > > Can store 2 (3) charges > >

  • S2: 10/25 (15/25) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Manual Activation, 14s (15s) Duration

> > > Upon skill activation, stops attacking enemies and applies Sleep to 3 enemies in range for 4 (5) seconds; After this state ends, Grain Buds gains +90 (+130) ASPD and attacks 3 targets simultaneously. > >

Base Skills

E0: When assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.55 Morale per hour to another Operator assigned to that Dormitory whose Morale is not full (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place).

E2: When assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.15 Morale per hour to all Operators assigned to that Dormitory (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place).

5\* Standard Bearer: Wanqing ----------

Trait: Cannot block enemies during the skill duration


| HP | ATK |Attack Interval| Deployment Cost | |:-----:|:-----:|:-------------:|:-------------------:| | 1616 | 514 | 1.3s | 8 -\> 10 -\> 10 | |DEF|RES|Block Count|Redeployment Time| | 425 | 0 | 1 | 70s |

Trust bonus: HP +100, DEF +45

Potential gains:

|Potential 2| Potential 3 |Potential 4| Potential 5 |Potential 6| |:---------:|:-------------------:|:---------:|:-------------:|:---------:| |DP Cost -1 |Redeployment Time -10|DP Cost -1 |Improves Talent|DP Cost -1 |


> > > Operators in the surrounding 8 tiles gain 6% max HP. If deployed in the same direction as Wanqing, the effect is increased to 10%. > >


  • S1: 12/29 (15/26) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Manual Activation, 8s Duration

> > > Stops attacking and recovers 18 DP over the skill duration > >

  • S2: 10/34 (16/30) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Manual Activation, 15s Duration

> > > Stops attacking and recovers 20 DP over the skill duration. Surrounding Operators recover 20% (25%) of Wanqing’s ATK as HP per second, and Operators deployed in the same direction as Wanqing gain +20 (+25) ASPD > >

Base Skills

E0: When assigned to the Workshop to process any material, the production rate of byproduct increases by 65%.

E2: When assigned to the Workshop to process any material, recipes with Morale cost of 4 have -1 Morale cost.

5\* Pioneer: Kestrel ----------

Trait: Blocks 2 enemies


| HP | ATK |Attack Interval| Deployment Cost | |:-----:|:-----:|:-------------:|:-------------------:| | 1960 | 587 | 1.05s | 9 -\> 11 -\> 11 | |DEF|RES|Block Count|Redeployment Time| | 362 | 0 | 2 | 70s |

Trust bonus: ATK +50, DEF +20

Potential gains:

|Potential 2| Potential 3 |Potential 4| Potential 5 |Potential 6| |:---------:|:------------------:|:---------:|:-------------------:|:---------:| |DP Cost -1 |Redeployment Time -4| ATK +23 |Improves First Talent|DP Cost -1 |


  • Talent 1:

> > > When attacking, has a 22% chance to increase ATK to 140% > >

  • Talent 2:

> > > In [Tales within the Sand], carried resources are sent to the backpack upon skill activation > >


  • S1: 14/38 (20/35) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Auto Activation

> > > Instantly gains 12 Deployment Points. > >

  • S2: 10/34 (16/30) Initial SP, Auto Recovery, Manual Activation, 15s Duration

> > > Recovers 11 DP (12 DP) over the skill duration; ATK +28% (+40%); ASPD +30 (+40); Talent 1 activation chance increases to 1.9x (2.5x) > >

Base Skills

E0: When assigned to the Control Center, all Operators in Dormitories recover +0.05 Morale per hour (strongest effect of the same type applies).

E2: When assigned to the Control Center, increases Morale of all Operators in the Control Center by +0.05 per hour.

Module Information ==========

|Operator|Mod Level| Stat Gains | Effect | |:----------:|:-----------:|:---------------------:|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Chongyue | 1 |HP +210 ATK +25 DEF +20| Trait upgrade: Blocks 1 enemy; Gains 15% Physical Dodge | | | 2 |HP +240 ATK +35 DEF +25| Talent upgrade: Chongyue recovers 3 -\> 4 SP if he defeats at least one enemy with a skill | | | 3 |HP +260 ATK +45 DEF +30| Talent upgrade: Chongyue recovers 4 SP if he defeats at least one enemy with a skill; if no enemy is defeated, recover 1 SP instead | | Mountain | 1 |HP +160 ATK +35 DEF +15| Trait upgrade: Blocks 1 enemy; Gains +10 ASPD when HP is above 50% | | | 2 |HP +175 ATK +50 DEF +20| Talent upgrade: 20% -\> 23% chance for attacks to deal 160% -\> 165% damage and reduce the target's ATK by 15% for 3 seconds (Does not stack) | | | 3 |HP +200 ATK +60 DEF +20| Talent upgrade: 23% -\> 25% chance for attacks to deal 165% -\> 170% damage and reduce the target's ATK by 15% for 3 seconds (Does not stack) | | Indra | 1 | HP +120 ATK +35 | Trait upgrade: Blocks 1 enemy; Gains +10 ASPD when HP is above 50% | | | 2 | HP +170 ATK +45 | Talent upgrade: Has a 30% chance to Dodge the enemy's Physical Melee Attack. ATK +100% -\> +110% in the next attack if the Dodge is successful | | | 3 | HP +200 ATK +50 | Talent upgrade: Has a 30% chance to Dodge the enemy's Physical Melee Attack. ATK +110% -\> +120% in the next attack if the Dodge is successful | | Flint | 1 | HP +150 ATK +30 | Trait upgrade: Blocks 1 enemy; Gains +10 ASPD when HP is above 50% | | | 2 | HP +170 ATK +45 | Talent upgrade: Deals 140% -\> 145% damage to enemies that are not blocked by this unit | | | 3 | HP +185 ATK +55 | Talent upgrade: Deals 145% -\> 150% damage to enemies that are not blocked by this unit | | Dagda | 1 | HP +120 ATK +35 | Trait upgrade: Blocks 1 enemy; Gains +10 ASPD when HP is above 50% | | | 2 | HP +170 ATK +45 | Talent upgrade: Has 30% chance of increasing ATK to 150% -\> 156% when attacking. When deployed, this multiplier increases by 5% -\> 6% for every enemy defeated within the 4 adjacent tiles of a [Glasgow Gang] Operator (max 240%) | | | 3 | HP +200 ATK +50 | Talent upgrade: Has 30% chance of increasing ATK to 156% -\> 162% when attacking. When deployed, this multiplier increases by 6% for every enemy defeated within the 4 adjacent tiles of a [Glasgow Gang] Operator (max 240%) | | Beehunter | 1 | HP +120 ATK +30 | Trait upgrade: Blocks 1 enemy; Gains +10 ASPD when HP is above 50% | | | 2 | HP +145 ATK +40 | Talent upgrade: Each consecutive attack on the same target increases ATK by 6% -\> 7%, stacking up to 5 times. Stacks will be lost upon switching targets. | | | 3 | HP +170 ATK +45 | Talent upgrade: Each consecutive attack on the same target increases ATK by 7% -\> 8%, stacking up to 5 times. Stacks will be lost upon switching targets. | | Jackie | 1 |HP +120 ATK +20 DEF +10| Trait upgrade: Blocks 1 enemy; Gains 15% Physical Dodge | | | 2 |HP +130 ATK +25 DEF +15| Talent upgrade: 33% -\> 38% Physical Dodge; After a successful dodge, gains +12 ASPD (Lasts for 5s, does not stack) | | | 3 |HP +140 ATK +30 DEF +20| Talent upgrade: 38% -\> 40% Physical Dodge; After a successful dodge, gains +12 ASPD (Lasts for 5s, does not stack) | | Shu | 1 |HP +160 ATK +30 DEF +30| Trait upgrade: Can heal allies by using skill(s); When healing allied units with less than 50% HP, increases heal amount by 15% | | | 2 |HP +210 ATK +40 DEF +40| Talent upgrade: When healing Operators, seeds will be planted on the targets and the 4 adjacent tiles, and applies the following effects: restore 70 -\> 80 HP per second and grant 10% Sanctuary | | | 3 |HP +270 ATK +50 DEF +50|Talent upgrade: When healing Operators, seeds will be sown on the targets and the 4 adjacent tiles, and applies the following effects: restore 80 HP per second and grant 10% -\> 15% Sanctuary; when deployed, seeds will be sown on Shu's tile| | Zuo Le | 1 | ATK +55 DEF +40 | Trait upgrade: Can't be healed by other units. Recovers 70 self HP every time this operator attacks an enemy; Gain 25% Sanctuary when HP is below 50% | | | 2 | ATK +75 DEF +50 | Talent upgrade: Gains up to 50 -\> 60 ASPD and +2 -\> +2.2 SP-recovery Tenacity (reaches maximum bonus when losing 70% -\> 60% of Max HP) | | | 3 | ATK +90 DEF +60 | Talent upgrade: Gains up to 60 -\> 70 ASPD and +2.2 -\> +2.3 SP-recovery Tenacity (reaches maximum bonus when losing 60% -\> 50% of Max HP) | | Grain Buds | 1 | HP +90 ATK +33 | Trait upgrade: Deals Arts damage and Slow the target for a short time; SP recovery +0.2/sec when there are enemies within range | | | 2 | HP +110 ATK +38 | Talent upgrade: ASPD +10 -\> +12; when attacking [Wild Beasts], the Trait’s Slow duration +0.4s -\> +0.6s | | | 3 | HP +120 ATK +41 | Talent upgrade: ASPD +12 -\> +14; when attacking [Wild Beasts], the Trait’s Slow duration is +0.6s -\> +0.8s | | Wan Qing | 1 | HP +105 DEF +45 | Trait upgrade: Cannot block enemies but grants +1 Block to the Operator in front during skill duration | | | 2 | HP +120 DEF +55 | Talent upgrade: Operators in the surrounding 8 tiles gain +6% -\> +8% max HP. If deployed in the same direction as Wan Qing, the effect is 10% -\> 12% | | | 3 | HP +135 DEF +60 | Talent upgrade: Operators in the surrounding 8 tiles gain +8% -\> +10% max HP. If deployed in the same direction as Wan Qing, the effect is 12% -\> 14% | | Kestrel | 1 |HP +150 ATK +14 DEF +12| Trait upgrade: Blocks 2 enemies; The first Deployment Cost -4 | | | 2 |HP +170 ATK +24 DEF +18| Talent upgrade: In [Tales within the Sand], +0.2 SP/s; and carried resources are sent to the backpack upon skill activation | | | 3 |HP +180 ATK +30 DEF +20| Talent upgrade: In [Tales within the Sand], +0.2 -\> +0.3 SP/s; and carried resources are sent to the backpack upon skill activation |



: Module Details: Here A People Sows

|Operator|Mod Level| Stat Gains | Effect | |:----------:|:-----------:|:-----------------:|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Chongyue | 1 | HP+ ATK+ DEF+ | Trait upgrade: Blocks 1 enemy; Gains 15% Physical Dodge | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ DEF++ | Talent upgrade: Chongyue recovers more SP if he defeats at least one enemy with a skill | | | 3 |HP+++ ATK+++ DEF+++| Talent upgrade: Chongyue recovers more SP if he defeats at least one enemy with a skill; if no enemy is defeated, recover a certain amount of SP instead | | Mountain | 1 | HP+ ATK+ DEF+ | Trait upgrade: Blocks 1 enemy; Gains +10 ASPD when HP is above 50% | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ DEF++ | Talent upgrade: Increased chance for attacks to deal more damage and reduce the target's ATK by 15% for 3 seconds (Does not stack) | | | 3 |HP+++ ATK+++ DEF+++| Talent upgrade: Further increased chance for attacks to deal even more damage and reduce the target's ATK by 15% for 3 seconds (Does not stack) | | Indra | 1 | HP+ ATK+ | Trait upgrade: Blocks 1 enemy; Gains +10 ASPD when HP is above 50% | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ | Talent upgrade: Has a 30% chance to Dodge the enemy's Physical Melee Attack. ATK further increased in the next attack if the Dodge is successful | | | 3 | HP+++ ATK+++ | Talent upgrade: Has a 30% chance to Dodge the enemy's Physical Melee Attack. ATK even further increased in the next attack if the Dodge is successful | | Flint | 1 | HP+ ATK+ | Trait upgrade: Blocks 1 enemy; Gains +10 ASPD when HP is above 50% | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ | Talent upgrade: Deals further increased damage to enemies that are not blocked by this unit | | | 3 | HP+++ ATK+++ | Talent upgrade: Deals even further increased damage to enemies that are not blocked by this unit | | Dagda | 1 | HP+ ATK+ | Trait upgrade: Blocks 1 enemy; Gains +10 ASPD when HP is above 50% | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ | Talent upgrade: Has 30% chance of increasing ATK to a higher amount when attacking. When deployed, this multiplier increases by a greater amount for every enemy defeated within the 4 adjacent tiles of a [Glasgow Gang] Operator (max 240%) | | | 3 | HP+++ ATK+++ | Talent upgrade: Has 30% chance of increasing ATK to an even higher amount when attacking. When deployed, this multiplier increases by a greater amount for every enemy defeated within the 4 adjacent tiles of a [Glasgow Gang] Operator (max 240%) | | Beehunter | 1 | HP+ ATK+ | Trait upgrade: Blocks 1 enemy; Gains +10 ASPD when HP is above 50% | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ | Talent upgrade: Each consecutive attack on the same target increases ATK by a greater amount, stacking up to 5 times. Stacks will be lost upon switching targets. | | | 3 | HP+++ ATK+++ | Talent upgrade: Each consecutive attack on the same target increases ATK by an even greater amount, stacking up to 5 times. Stacks will be lost upon switching targets. | | Jackie | 1 | HP+ ATK+ DEF+ | Trait upgrade: Blocks 1 enemy; Gains 15% Physical Dodge | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ DEF++ | Talent upgrade: Has greater Physical Dodge; After a successful dodge, gains +12 ASPD (Lasts for 5s, does not stack) | | | 3 |HP+++ ATK+++ DEF+++| Talent upgrade: Has even greater Physical Dodge; After a successful dodge, gains +12 ASPD (Lasts for 5s, does not stack) | | Shu | 1 | HP+ ATK+ DEF+ | Trait upgrade: Can heal allies by using skill(s); When healing allied units with less than 50% HP, increases heal amount by 15% | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ DEF++ | Talent upgrade: When healing Operators, seeds will be planted on the targets and the 4 adjacent tiles, and applies the following effects: restore a greater amount of HP per second and grant 10% Sanctuary | | | 3 |HP+++ ATK+++ DEF+++|Talent upgrade: When healing Operators, seeds will be sown on the targets and the 4 adjacent tiles, and applies the following effects: restore a greater amount of HP per second and grant a stronger Sanctuary; when deployed, seeds will be sown on Shu's tile| | Zuo Le | 1 | ATK+ DEF+ | Trait upgrade: Can't be healed by other units. Recovers 70 self HP every time this operator attacks an enemy; Gain 25% Sanctuary when HP is below 50% | | | 2 | ATK++ DEF++ | Talent upgrade: Gains up to higher ASPD and faster SP-recovery Tenacity (reaches maximum bonus when losing a lesser amount of Max HP) | | | 3 | ATK+++ DEF+++ | Talent upgrade: Gains up to even higher ASPD and even faster SP-recovery Tenacity (reaches maximum bonus when losing an even lesser amount of Max HP) | | Grain Buds | 1 | HP+ ATK+ | Trait upgrade: Deals Arts damage and Slow the target for a short time; SP recovery +0.2/sec when there are enemies within range | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ | Talent upgrade: ASPD increases further; when attacking [Wild Beasts], the Trait’s Slow duration is further extended | | | 3 | HP+++ ATK+++ | Talent upgrade: ASPD increases even further; when attacking [Wild Beasts], the Trait’s Slow duration is even further extended | | Wan Qing | 1 | HP+ DEF+ | Trait upgrade: Cannot block enemies but grants +1 Block to the Operator in front during skill duration | | | 2 | HP++ DEF++ | Talent upgrade: Operators in the surrounding 8 tiles gain further increased max HP. If deployed in the same direction as Wan Qing, the effect is improved more | | | 3 | HP+++ DEF+++ | Talent upgrade: Operators in the surrounding 8 tiles gain even further increased max HP. If deployed in the same direction as Wan Qing, the effect is improved even more | | Kestrel | 1 | HP+ ATK+ DEF+ | Trait upgrade: Blocks 2 enemies; The first Deployment Cost -4 | | | 2 | HP++ ATK++ DEF++ | Talent upgrade: In [Tales within the Sand], self SP-recovery is increased; and carried resources are sent to the backpack upon skill activation | | | 3 |HP+++ ATK+++ DEF+++| Talent upgrade: In [Tales within the Sand], self SP-recovery is further increased; and carried resources are sent to the backpack upon skill activation |


CertShop &amp; Banner History Fork (Global) CertShop &amp; Banner History Fork (Global).xlsx

Standard Shop 16/1/20 24/1/20,24/1/20 7/2/20,7/2/20 21/2/20,21/2/20 6/3/20,6/3/20 20/3/20,20/3/20 3/4/20,4/3/20 17/4/20,17/4/20 1/5/20,1/5/20 15/5/20,15/5/20 29/5/20,29/5/20 12/6/20,12/6/20 26/6/20 ,26/6/20 10/7/20,10/7/20 24/7/20,24/7/20 7/8/20,7/8/20 21/8/20,21/8/20 4/9/20,4/9/20 18/9/20 Angelina

CertShop &amp; Banner History Fork (Global).xlsx

Thanks to Chariotwheel for keeping list up to date!


So long Adele!

Back to Siesta with Swire and Eyjafjalla looks like we will learn about Eyja parents.

The limited banner feature:

  • Swire the Elegant Wit

  • Poncirus and limited operator of this banner

  • Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska

As it is Limited banner you will get coupon for 10 pulls and 1 pull a day until the end of the banner. Old Limited operators that can be pulled as off banner with x5 weight would be

  • Ch'en the Holungday

  • Gavial the Invincible

So according to So Long Adele - Farming Guide from gamepress Efficiency (based on all possible stage drops): Manganese > Aketon > Crystal

The event stages will be released in parts:

``` [A Holiday at the Hot Sprigs]: January 16, 2024, 10:00(UTC-7) - February 6, 2024, 03:59(UTC-7) [Treasurehunting in Siesta]: January 23, 2024, 16:00(UTC-7) - February 6, 2024, 03:59(UTC-7) [Surfing the Lava]: January 30, 2024, 16:00(UTC-7) - February 6, 2024, 03:59(UTC-7)


Good luck with pulls!


perfectly normal family

they are perfectly fine


RHODES FOCUS - 4th Anniversary Special

Everything that will be on anniversary event in one place. also giveaway if you repost it on twitter/facebook match 3 minigame that will give 30k lmd and another minigame that will unlock later on.


Operator Information: To the Grinning Valley

Operator Information ==========


  • E2 max for HP/ATK/DEF/RES; Trust bonuses included
  • Welfares regarded as Pot 6; other units regarded as Pot 1
  • E0 -\> E1 -\> E2 for DP Cost and Block (if applicable)

6\* Hunter: Ray ----------

Trait: Attacks consume ammo and increase ATK to 120%. While not attacking, gradually reloads ammo (up to 8 ammo)


|HP |ATK|Attack Interval|Deployment Cost| |:-----:|:-----:|:-----------------:|:-----------------:| | 1933 | 1192 | 1.6s | 17 -\> 19 -\> 21 | |DEF|RES| Block | Redeploy Time | | 228 | 0 | 1 | 70s |

Trust bonus: ATK +120

Potential gains:

|Potential 2| Potential 3 |Potential 4| Potential 5 |Potential 6| |:-------------:|:------------------:|:-------------:|:--------------------:|:-------------:| | DP Cost -1 |Redeployment Time -4| ATK +37 |Improves Second Talent| DP Cost -1 |


  • Talent 1

> > > Ray can deploy a Sand Beast within her Attack Range that scouts a certain area, lasting for 25 seconds and extending her Attack Range; Ray prioritizes attacking targets in the Sand Beast's range and the Physical Damage dealt by Ray is increased by 15% > >

Note: The Sand Beast's range is the surrounding 8 tiles.

  • Talent 2

> > > Attacks on the same target increase ATK by 8% (9%), stacking up to 3 times > >


  • S1: 10/12 (10/10) Initial SP, Automatic Recovery, Manual Activation

> > > Immediately attacks the target with a special bullet, dealing 360% (450%) ATK as Physical Damage and pushing the target away with medium (large) force. If the target is defeated, the next reload will grant additional ammo. > >

> > > Can store 1 (2) charge(s) > >

  • S2: 0/16 (0/16) Initial SP, Offensive Recovery, Automatic Activation

> > > Passive: When the Sand Beast retreats, recovers all bullets that hit the scouted area > >

> > > Active: Ray's Attack Range expands; ATK +90% (+120%); Redeployment Time of the Sand Beast is reduced by 30% (40%) > >

> > > Unlimited duration > >

  • S3: 20/33 (20/30) Initial SP, Automatic Recovery, Manual Activation, 16s Duration

> > > Ray immediately stops attacking until ammo is fully reloaded; reload interval -1.2 seconds; Attack Range expands. Attacks deal 270% (330%) ATK as Physical Damage and Bind the target for 2s . If an enemy is defeated during the skill, restores 10 SP at the end of the skill. > >

Base Skills

E0: When assigned to the Workshop to process Elite Materials, byproduct rate increases by 75% (E2: 80%)

E2: When assigned to the Workshop to process Elite materials, any byproducts of T3 quality produced will be Orirock Clusters

5\* Primal Caster: Warmy ----------

Trait: Attacks deal Arts Damage and additional Elemental Damage


|HP |ATK|Attack Interval|Deployment Cost| |:-----:|:-----:|:-----------------:|:-----------------:| | 1358 | 646 | 1.6s | 18 -\> 20 -\> 20 | |DEF|RES| Block | Redeploy Time | | 106 | 15 | 1 | 70s |

Trust bonus: ATK +65

Potential gains:

|Potential 2| Potential 3 |Potential 4|Potential 5|Potential 6| |:-------------:|:------------------:|:-------------:|:-------------:|:-------------:| | DP Cost -1 |Redeployment Time -4| ATK +25 |Improves Talent| DP Cost -1 |


> > > Enemies within Warmy's Attack Range receive 300% (320%) ATK as Elemental Damage when Burn Fallout is triggered > >


  • S1: 6/23 (10/20) Initial SP, Automatic Recovery, Manual Activation, 20s Duration

> > > ASPD +70 (+100); attacks deal 15% of Arts Damage dealt as Burn Damage > >

  • S2: 10/20 (12/20) Initial SP, Automatic Recovery, Manual Activation, 15s Duration

> > > Attack Interval +0.9 seconds; ATK +170% (+200%); attacks 2 targets simultaneously > >

> > > Charged: Attacks 3 targets simultaneously instead; skill duration increased to 30 seconds; attacks deal an additional 50% ATK as Elemental Damage to targets under Burn Fallout > >

Base Skills

E0: When assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.15 (E2: +0.2) Morale per hour to all Operators assigned to that Dormitory (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place)

E2: When assigned to a Factory, Precious Metal formula related productivity +30%



[MEGATHREAD] Pinch-Out Experimental Operation
  • @Miameow

    Honestly First 2 test plates I was okay not bad, You have wiggle room.
    Third one... Nope, those risks absurd and combining them is not fun at all.
    Which is why I don't even want to show clear of 3rd test plate with niche I play, even if I uploaded on youtube
    Main stage being abysmal and getting a bit better after second test plate also.. not fun.Glad that stall is not mandatory for medal.

  • Event Gains Calculator [2023.11] - for Gamepress Operator Planner &amp;
  • added non-BigTech link 👍

    ALSO [11.19] "quickfix", Stultifera Navis was originally supposed to happen before Lone Trail, so it was hidden before LT as if already concluded; moved ahead

  • [CN News] New 5* Operator: Daphne
  • Hey there, news is taken from Arknights' weibo page or bilibili channel, with weibo often posting the news a couple minutes earlier, but with bilibili posting higher quality images.

    I just access kbin on a desktop browser, so posting news is a somewhat tedious process having tabs open for kbin, bilibili, Imgur, and the MTL OCR site I normally use.

  • Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures Module Updates
  • Operator Stage Stat Buff Special Buff
    Silence The Paradigmatic 1 HP, ATK Trait Upgrade: Deals Arts damage; When skill is active, attacks instead restore the HP of allies (heal amount is equal to 75% --> 100% of ATK)
    2 HP+, ATK Talent Upgrade: Increases max HP for all allies within Attack Range, allies with less than 50% HP within Attack Range recover HP equal to a greater percentage of Silence's ATK every second. This effect is doubled for [Rhine Labs] operators
    3 HP++, ATK++ Talent Upgrade: Increases max HP for all allies within Attack Range further, allies with less than 50% HP within Attack Range recover HP equal to an even greater percentage of Silence's ATK every second. This effect is doubled for [Rhine Labs] operators
    Tsukinogi 1 ATK, DEF Trait Upgrade: Deals Arts damage; When skill is active, attacks instead restore the HP of allies (heal amount is equal to 75% --> 100% of ATK)
    2 ATK+, DEF+ Talent Upgrade: Apply a greater percentage of Shelter effect and increases DEF for allies within range with less than 40% HP
    3 ATK++, DEF++ Talent Upgrade: Apply an even greater percentage of Shelter effect and increases DEF further for allies within range with less than 40% HP
    Nine Colored Deer 1 ATK, DEF Trait Upgrade: Deals Arts damage; When skill is active, attacks instead restore the HP of allies (heal amount is equal to 75% --> 100% of ATK)
    2 ATK+, DEF+ Talent Upgrade: Apply a greater percentage of Shelter effect to allies within range with less than a higher percentage of HP
    3 ATK++, DEF++ Talent Upgrade: Apply an even greater percentage of Shelter effect to allies within range with less than an even higher percentage of HP
    Quercus 1 HP, ATK, DEF Trait Upgrade: Deals Arts damage; When skill is active, attacks instead restore the HP of allies (heal amount is equal to 75% --> 100% of ATK)
    2 HP+, ATK+, DEF+ Talent Upgrade: Apply a greater percentage of Shelter effect to allies within range with more than a lesser percentage of HP
    3 HP++, ATK++, DEF++ Talent Upgrade: Apply an even greater percentage of Shelter effect to allies within range with more than an even lesser percentage of HP
    Almond 1 HP, DEF Trait Upgrade: Can Shift enemies by using skills. Can be deployed on Ranged Tiles. While being pulled, enemies take Arts damage proportional to the distance traveled
    2 HP+, DEF+ Talent Upgrade: Immediately recovers more SP when activating her skill for the first time in battle
    3 HP++, DEF++ Talent Upgrade: Immediately recovers even more SP when activating her skill for the first time in battle
    Saga (Module 2) 1 ATK, DEF Trait Upgrade: Blocks 2 enemies; Gains +8% ATK and DEF while blocking enemies
    2 ATK+, DEF+ Talent Upgrade: Increases damage dealt against enemies with less than 50% HP; When dealing lethal damage, leave the enemy with 1 HP and inflict Critically Wounded (gives +2 SP to the attacker when killed); Saga will not attack Critically Wounded targets
    3 ATK++, DEF++ Talent Upgrade: Increases damage dealt against enemies with less than 50% HP further; When dealing lethal damage, leave the enemy with 1 HP and inflict Critically Wounded (gives +2 SP to the attacker when killed); Saga will not attack Critically Wounded targets
    Ch'en (Module 2) 1 ATK, DEF Trait Upgrade: Normal attacks deal damage twice, Attacks ignore 70 DEF
    2 ATK, DEF+ Talent Upgrade: ATK increases further; DEF increases further; Physical Dodge increases further
    3 ATK++, DEF++ Talent Upgrade: ATK increases even further; DEF increases even further; Physical Dodge increases even further
  • [Global Maintenance] Mandatory Update on September 7, 2023, 04:00 - 10:00 (UTC-7)
  • Let's see... Could be Fire Within The Sand, Guide Ahead Rerun, or maybe even the Monster Hunter Collaboration? Which one, which one...

    EDIT: Lmao, it really was the Monster Hunter Collaboration!

  • [Kinohara] Too many wives
  • @Xperr7 after trial Proviso said this to Doctor "Now you see Doctor, if only you had capable legal defence on your team, but you thought you can strike with the judge"

  • [Megathread] Commisions/Introduction thread for Arknights artist across Fediverse
  • Hello, I'm Yumi. As far as fandom goes, I mostly write fanfiction, and you can find my work on AO3, but sometimes I translate stuff and take photos of my Arknights merchandise. 🤣

    At the moment, I'm working on another DemeLeon fic and the Vol. 1 Reset Artbook's Keywords section.

    Currently Arknights main, but I also play FGO, GBF and PTN on and off, as well as non-gacha video games and TTRPGs, so fair warning that you might see some other content if you follow. 👋🏻

    Thanks @Kotking for the thread 🫶

  • [Global] New Crusher Guard-Wind Chimes
  • @[email protected] she's super hot-- love the artist's work, I just hope she had more abs and scars (but I guess that's what fanart is for)

    I wish I like crushers so that I can be interested in her gameplay, but unfortunately they're not really my thing. I'll still build her though.

  • [Megathread] Commisions/Introduction thread for Arknights artist across Fediverse
  • Hello! My name is illeity.
    I'm a storyteller and digital artist of various interests. In the English Arknights community, I'm known for my comics, the [Lauds & Vespers] comic series, whose stories range from warm and thoughtful to heavy and disturbing. Don't expect to find the usual meme jokes here.

    Where to find me:
    Rest of Arknights comics:
    Link to Support:

    I currently don't offer commissions, but I'll update my status on my Pixiv page or Misskey/Twitter pages.

    Thanks for reaching out, @[email protected] !

  • [Megathread] Commisions/Introduction thread for Arknights artist across Fediverse
  • I have expected Federation to sometimes bug out or not work, so I will list here messages that were intended to be here but didn't work out by some reason.
    For everyone who replied directly thank you! For anyone who didn't manage to reply directly, but spent time to write message also thank you!
    Here list of messages that meant to be here:
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    I didn't want to use this measure, but I won't ask people to resolve on their end. I appreciate all responses I would get, as we are rather new community compared to others. What we have compared to reddit or any other forum site that we can cross post between different servers and services, which means direct interaction with different kind of people while being in your own beloved website/service/Instance.

  • [Global] Upcoming Banner: Mostima, Schwarz|Blue Poison, FEater, Quercus (August 18-September 1)
  • @[email protected] yay another Catgirl for my harem! Someday I will have them all!​:ameowthinkingsmirk:​ ​:io2023:​

  • [Global New Skin] Campfire Cooking Smoke - Mousse
  • With this outfit announced, I guess it's safe to say that the next event will be A Death in Chunfen. Event currency drops from regular stages, which means I can go back to 1-7 hell! :D

  • [Megathread] Commisions/Introduction thread for Arknights artist across Fediverse
  • @[email protected] Hi! I'm Tale, I just randomly draw on game I played. a big fan of Arknights I may draw base on recently event. see me here

  • [Megathread] Commisions/Introduction thread for Arknights artist across Fediverse
  • @[email protected]

    Hi hi I'm amoeba. I write and draw sometimes, depends on my mood, but most of the time I shitpost and make crack theories about Playwright, Lucian and the crimson troupe because I love them and game has no content so I have no choice but to make my own.

    I also play fishknights, so I draw and talk about them sometimes. I do post gameplay videos every now and then but it's rare so might not be worth talking about.

  • [MEGATHREAD] Invitation To Wine Rerun
  • Every time I do rerun events, I hate it whenever I hear that alarm. Let me be lazy!

  • Weirdly enough, despite all the events in a row, it kinda feels slow in Arknights rn lol. I blame it on events I'm not interested in the story of lol. [#mArknights](
  • @[email protected] same but in my case, it's because I don't have much to look forward to-

    no troupe event, no fish event... there's Alter.exe and Swirlter, both of which are v v cool, but they're still pretty far away

  • [vuendor] Fiammetta gets a text
  • I think the original post really was just the linked Twitter account (that's now deleted). Closest thing I can find for the "original source" is just the Wayback Machine version of it: KFC

  • [Global] Invitation to Wine Rerun will be open August 11-August 25!
  • Some extra details/guides for the rerun event, in case anyone's wondering what to expect or to prepare for:

    Arknights Wiki Event Page
    GamePress Event Page