Can you capture images from Netflix? SOLVED Image in post.
I watched Run Rabbit Run on Netflix last night and there is an image at 47:37 that defines the tone of the entire movie.
My interpretation of the image would be:
There is a distance between the two main characters suggested by seating them at opposite ends of a table.
One character is masked showing the addition of a possible third character.
The color scheme is faded yellow and greys, suggesting old memories.
The lighting is grim. A single light illuminates only the two characters and the table. The scalloped edge of the lampshade casts an ominous shadow with the effect of being inside a maw with teeth closing down upon the characters.
Glad I could help! It's a useful feature in most other cases, so you may want to save that settings url for later to turn hardware acceleration back on.
It'll be in settings. If you're using chrome, go to this url to access your settings: chrome://settings/?search=Use+hardware+acceleration+when+available You'll need to copy and paste that into the address bar.