The fact that drug tests are normalized for jobs is fucking insane
and no one irl even has the decency to agree with me because it's so fucking drilled into the culture that these fucking BuNsInNesSes have a Right to do this because it's a bSUsniEss. like oh yeah they have an office building so they definitely get to analyze my piss because they say they want to. sick fucking freaks.
preaching to the choir a bit on lemmy (or i would hope so at least) but still
Lots of jobs where I'd really like people to be drug tested though... Heart surgeon? Teacher? Taxi driver? Basically any operator on machinery?
Come to think of it, do you want the administrative guy who handles your salaries to be stoned out of his ass?
I honestly agree, when you work, you gotta be sober, period. What you do in your free time is your thing but asking a little bit of responsibility and not arriving off your cracker at work really isn't that crazy.
when you work, you gotta be sober, period. What you do in your free time is your thing
if drug tests in any way proved that you were high at work I'd be in favor of them, but the fact is that they don't. The drugs that actually cause problems (coke, dope/fetty, amphetamines) are out of your system before they can realistically be tested for and drug tests for other things like marijuana only prove that you've used within the last month or so. The fact is you can't support drug testing at work and allowing people to do what they want on their own time. The two are mutually incompatible due to the nature of our current testing.
I can't say if drug tests work well or not, I don't know that. I don't care if anyone gets high in their free time either, I just don't want someone high on anything while working as with almost all jobs that will be a problem. Yes, weed is also a problem, just like alcohol too.
I also think that if you so desperately need to be high that you have bigger issues.
If, on the other hand, you need it literally and really just for medicinal reasons, pain control, whatever, then we can talk but still.within reason. You can't operate a car while high, for example, pain or no pain.
That's the issue being discussed here. The tests will also show up if you smoked the week before on your day off. They don't determine whether you were high on the clock or high on the weekends only. It penalizes people who smoke weed in their free time, as opposed to people who are actively causing a problem.
Additionally, booze, meth, and heroin for example, are all out of your system much faster, so it doesn't really do a good job of determining whether or not they'll be blitzed on the job either, which is what the comment you replied to said. The point being made is that the drug test isn't actually going to prevent anyone from being drunk on the job, but it will prevent you from hiring the guy who tried weed once in his free time.
obviously I care if someone is high and operating machinery. but I don't care if they were high on Saturday night and it's Monday morning now.
As for the paychecks- who cares so long as they get it right? Can you somehow tell which money in your bank account is related to drugs and which isn't?
Ugh, such a lazy, defeatist sentiment, and intellectually dishonest too. Like, do you practice what you preach here? If you come across a part of something you dislike, do you immediately stop using that thing wholesale? Or do you complain about it a bit, then try and think of ways it could be improved, and maybe go about trying to improve it?
So what you're saying is that people should be allowed to get high on their jobs? Tell me about that next time you're flying and the captain is high off his cracker...
It's not a defeatist or lazy argument either. If you don't like your jobz find a better job. It's called pragmatism.
I'm not saying that certain companies arent extreme dicks with all this, I'm sure there are shitty companies out there. Go work for a different one.
I'm not the one complaining doing nothing, and yes, I've left shitty jobs for better one. Yes, I've tried making things better. Yes, I got a CTO fired for a lost of reasons, one of them being that he couldn't keep his hands off the (male) employees. It got me fired too, which I rather expected, but I did it anyway. So no, I'm not the sit-on-my-ass-and-whine-about-it type, but I'd say that you are.
So what you're saying is that people should be allowed to get high on their jobs?
No, you waffle. Jesus Christ, is that what you're getting from this thread? You think that because people think employers shouldn't use drug tests as a barrier to employment, that means they're ok with people getting high at work? My God dude, get a grip.
Also don't take your experience for granted. Just because you could afford to be fired from a job doesn't mean other people can. Most have to make the best of whatever situation they're in. Have some empathy for those people. Telling them "get a new job 4head" isn't helpful.
That is a slippery slope argument, and a dumb one at it.
We were talking about drug testing.
Would you be okay with an airline pilot flying 400 people for 8 hours being high as a kite?
Would you be okay with a McDonald's burger flipper being high as a kite? And before you answer remember that he handles food, and he works with hot surfaces and materials like boiling oil...