As tensions rise over the increasingly important “Zent candidates,” Rozemyne finds herself entangled in the web of royal politics. Thankfully, this also secures her the chance to bargain with one of the princes...
I'm really confused about the statement that all royal villas are already occupied, despite Sigiswald only having two and Anastasius only one wife.
Where did the princes and their wives live, back when there were five princes under Trauqual's father? oO
That being said, giving Rozemyne one of the librarian villas is such a good idea, that I'm sure it didn't come from Sigiswald. Probably Anastasius' idea. ^^
Eglantine mentioned how she was needed to open the villa of her murdered family. The locks seem to be mana based. Perhaps the villas of royals who died in the war can't be opened or re-registered without Grutrissheit access?
Sorry for the late answer. I did not get a notification on the answer.
That may be a problem, but if 7 is the number of villas it would mean the 6? brothers of the current king + father and 3 wives are already over the limit. Also the older teachers of the royal family that gave the ArchDuke Course...
Maybe only 7 villas are connected to the RA and others are not. Others could be named after minor gods. Thinking about it, the palace Verstecken was a minor god of dark, had no portal door to RA (but Ahrensbach) and was on the RA ground.
When we learn about Hildebrandts Villa it sounds like there is one for each major god, so 7 like the stones for the foundation. I also do not really understand how that worked in the past.