These books are fun, but they're not good. Bad prose, ridiculous characters, childish storylines. It would almost have to be approached like Starship Troopers and treated as a parody of the genre.
They get worse as they go on, like most Weber series. A few books in and they seem to always devolve to coredumps of exposition and backstory marginally dressed up as meetings. Even the tactics and action diminishes to the point where I’ve read more compelling write ups of tabletop war games.
(And I’m someone who both war games and has read every single book in the Safehold series.)
I read a lot of them, up to the most current one when I made it to that point. The first one was a fun age of sail romp, but they progressively got more... I guess I'd say "fairytale-like"? Honor has to be the most egregious Mary Sue I've seen in any franchise.