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Boardgames EvilEwok

What Board Games have you Played Recently? - June 2023

on another site we had a thread that was simply to discuss what you've played recently and any general thoughts on those games. Thought I might kick it off here.


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  • Sadly probably Monopoly on my phone. I wish there were more single player board games, it's a social anxiety nightmare to meet people but I do miss the board game nights I used to have when I lived elsewhere.

    • yeah, I've moved fairly recently, and haven't found a regular game night to go to in my new town.

      There are a number of good boardgame adaptations on the phone, several with async multiplayer as well as pass and play or vs a computer.

      There are also a ton of solo-able games, depending on how complicated you want things to be.

      I haven't played a game this way in several years, but I've had good experiences in the past playing games PBeM facilitated by ACTS (Automated Card Tracking System) and VASSAL.