If the same game is available and on sale on GOG and Steam, on which platform you rather buy it?
I've had this question looking at the Quake con sale, and Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth is for sale on both platforms. I ended up buying it on GOG. What is your opinion?
Depends on thw game and what sort of mod support it has. Obviously on Steam if it has Steam workshop support. DRM free on GOG is good but at the same time Steam has been doing quite of lot of good things related to gaming on Linux and I would like them to continue doing it.
The fact that when you purchase a game on Steam and it gets aasociated to your account is a form of Digital Rights Mamagement. Not as bad compared to Denuvo (depending on who you ask), but it's still technically DRM, just not as intrusive.
Game purchases on GOG on the other hand, while the purchase is associated to your account, the game can be installed on all "your" computers and can be run simultaneously.