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If you updated Hyprland yesterday you likely have to rework your conf file

Looks like there's a breaking change in the syntax of the hyprland.conf file that came from yesterday's update, as now things like blur_passes = ... don't work anymore and need to be just passes = ... inside a blur namespace (not even sure this is the appropriate term?), ie something like:

    blur {
        enabled = false
        size = 3
        passes = 3
        new_optimizations = true

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  • Mmmh last upgrade is hyprland 0.28.0-1 for me. This new config generates error message...

    • Mine was updated to that version too. My config snippet was just an example to highlight that prefixes don't work anymore but the blur namespace itself has to be inside decoration, like this:

      decoration {
          rounding = 5
          blur {
              enabled = false
              size = 3
              passes = 3
              new_optimizations = true
          drop_shadow = yes
          shadow_range = 2
          shadow_render_power = 3
          col.shadow = rgba(1a1a1aee)