It’s so the republicans/conservatives feel validated by the fact there is a corruption in the government…… the rest of us are just waiting for them to catch onto the fact it’s primarily their own party that is corrupt. Just gotta be patient though as they struggle to grasp these mind of concepts quickly.
Let's straighten one thing out here... Both sides are corrupt... It's not your side is better... The Democrats have shown their ass more than they ever have before... They are the same...
Until something changes one side isn't better than the other... It's literally the rich vs the poor and the sooner people realize this maybe we can change something...
We don’t need to coalesce, we need to take over the Democratic Party. We don’t gave any other options with our voting system the way it is right now.
Trump managed to do it by getting people angry (at race in his case). We probably can do it with a class war. I think our only hope is likely that when the people who think they’re in the middle class collapse financially, we make sure they know why.
Or in case of the above commentor where they have given up on democracy entirely. Typically a mindset for from those whose party is corrupt but they try to flip it around with an attempt of “bOtH pArTiEs” style of argument.
Now I am not saying there is not corruption within the democrats but I would bet it would pale in comparison to the corruption that the republican party is filled with. All of this is validates by the hyprocrisy by which they currently lead.
Now I am not saying all republicans are corrupt either as I do have to say Adam Kinzinger has been garnering a soft spot in me lately.