Never saw that abbreviation before, but my assumption is it's "does anyone else" since I can't think of anything else that'd make sense in this context
If you wish to be understood, choose your words more carefully. If you wish to be treated with kindness, drop the defensiveness, learn to process feedback objectively, and take communication seriously. No one is being unkind or unreasonable here, except you.
“No one knows what the heck dae means you lazy bum. We invented words for a reason, try using them. If you’re illiterate then maybe try a YouTube video essay. “
If someone said that, sure… but no one did. Perhaps the Original Poster needs to take communication more seriously and less personally.
I think you're making a significant deal out of something that is quite minor, personally. It's okay, though. It's minor, so we can agree to disagree. Cheers!
This isn't the gotcha you think it is. There's a slight difference in using a well established acronym vs. a personally made-up one 😅
You're essentially getting upset that someone used a word that you aren't familiar with. With that, you're comparing someone using this unfamiliar word to the use of a non-existant word.
When you encounter a word you dont know, you look it up in a dictionary. You don't call out the author on their communication skills (rudely, mind you).
I'm really trying to be cordial here, and I really don't mean to cause upset, but you must see where I'm coming from, no?