Liberated the first province, and most of the second province, but the difficulty level of remaining bases increased a lot. Many elite level enemies and lot more enemies. Doesn't make the game too difficult, but I was just playing it for mindless blowing up stuff, so when I couldn't do that anymore, didn't want to continue playing it.
Should just get EDF for this mindless killing stuff.
I wasn't planning to start it anytime soon, dunno why I did.
I am only about 4-5 hours in, and for now it feels "Dragon Age" to me. Maybe it will change when I play more, but the level design and characters interaction etc. feel similar to Inquisition. Character models and visual styles are of course different, as well as combat, but playing the game feel like I am playing a sequel to Inquisition, not some other random game.
I’m replaying Pokemon sword and I’m almost done with the main game. Going to be going into the dlc fresh ( I’ve never played it before ) and after I’m done with the game I’m probably going to replay a Kirby game. Maybe forgotten land or the dream friend game
I wanted it to play more like legends Arc. but I’m still interested in playing. I don’t care for the power up gimmick, super evolve or something? But maybe it will be cool. How do you feel about the game?
I am not a big Pokémon fan, and don't care about playing all the games.
I have only played two yet, "Let's Go Pikachu" and then "Sword". Was looking forward to trying the next one they release, and to my untrained I, it looks pretty good (though I agree that super-evolve - or whatever - didn't look that exciting), but I am skeptical of the performance. Wondering if I should skip this too, and the go for the first Switch 2 Pokémon they release? Will probably wait for the reviews and then decide.
And yeah, don't know what they mean for Legends tag now. It has legends name, but it looks similar to normal Pokémon. Arceus looked very different.