Tbh Black metal (awesome as it is) has a lot of ties to Nazi movements. Back when I was first getting into it I bought myself a Burzum shirt, because I only had a vague idea of Varg being somewhat of a controversial figure. I thought, how bad could this guy really be? Well... He is B A D. Despite a lot of this kind of music still being a guilty pleasure of mine I have ventured into anti Nazi bands such as Neckbeard Death camp, who are really vocal about kicking Nazis from the scene. That being said, traverse black metal paying heed to your step, for ignorance can end you up with neo Nazi band merch.
Pause a moment and consider what are trying to accomplish with this argument.
Black Metal is not a Nazi genre and I don’t think anyone was actually making that claim. However, white supremacism and Nazi sympathies are common enough in the genre that it has its own scene to the point where it could even be considered a subgenre. It’s even known as National Socialist Black Metal.
The line is definitely blurry when it comes to some bands being labeled as NSBM when the band itself appears to be or even asserts they are apolitical. This makes it difficult to confidently make statements like “this is a Nazi band” or “10% of Black Metal bands are Nazis.”
But that isn’t the point of this thread; the point was “Nazis are overrepresented in Black Metal, so listener beware because you might find yourself sporting a t-shirt that advocates whites supremacy and cruising around town blasting neo-Nazi anthems.”
This isn’t about how many Nazis it takes to make a Nazi music genre or if people from opposite ends of the political spectrum are allowed to enjoy the same music. It’s about being aware that musical tastes can be hijacked to get people to listen to, or even defend, ideas they wouldn’t normally.
I'm not suggesting that as a whole "one Nazi makes something in the genre, and now the genre is ruined".
However, if you're not a Nazi, it would be prudent to establish whether or not the creator, (regardless of genre or medium) is also not a Nazi. Especially if that medium/genre has a reputation for attracting that type of crowd.
I understand. I thought that the original post is saying that nazis "steal" the genre as in - it's theirs. I was explained that its about basically what you said.