De har travlt på Bryggeriet Vestfyen i Assens. De har nemlig oplevet en stor stigning i efterspørgsel på Jolly Cola.Og faktisk er efterspørgslen så stor, at bryggeriet aldrig har prøvet lignende.- Vi får flere efterspørgsler på Jolly end vi nogensinde har fået, siger bryggeriets brand manager, Thoma...
By Anton Kranf and Cecilie Cindy Lynghøj Storgaard
They are busy at the brewery Vestfyen in Assens. They have seen a large increase in demand for Jolly Cola.
And in fact, the demand is so great that the brewery has never tried the like.
We get more demand for Jolly than we have ever received, says the brewery's brand manager, Thomas Lindegaard, when TV 2 Fyn meets him in Assens.
What's creating the rising sales for Jolly Cola he can't be sure, but he has an idea.
Trump turmoil paves the way
Thomas Lindegaard points out that the turmoil around the United States plays a role.
"There are some geopolitical tensions that give us some tailwind," he said.
He clearly senses that Danes are demanding Jolly at this time. But fortunately, the brewery is ready to tackle the growing demand.
If it is Jolly Cola consumers demand, then we are ready, says Thomas Lindegaard.
That more Danes boycott American products is a trend, explains consumer behavior expert Mikkel Nøjgaard.
However, one should be aware that it can have consequences for Danish jobs if you avoid American goods.
“Many of the U.S. companies are not just American. For example, it is Royal Unibrew that produces Pepsi in Denmark. If you boycott Pepsi, it will affect Danish jobs, he says.
I definitely like Jolly Cola best
The enthusiasm for the Danish Coke was also to be traced by the Funen residents when we met them in the pedestrian streets of Odense.
For me it would not be an option to choose the Jolly Cola, because I think it tastes best, says Rasmus Hansen, when TV 2 Fyn meets him in the pedestrian street.
He, along with other Funen residents, was allowed to blindly taste Jolly Cola and Coca-Cola, because can one even taste the difference?
I can import them, of course, but I'd like to buy in-store. I'm not sure I've ever seen it... There isn't really a good cola alternative over here, outside of Lidl Freeway.