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fxomt fubt?
4 0 Replydont worry patriot the deep state iranian moles still havent gotten me yet
4 0 Replyim not at liberty to say
4 0 Replymel gibson?
4 0 Replystop guessing
4 0 Replyi've been studying studied disinterest it's a course by ben shapiro so I'm definitely not going to keep guessing
4 0 Reply
deep state?
4 0 Reply4 0 ReplyTo quote the artist Shaggy, from his 2000 hit song:
Picture this, we were both butt-naked, banging on the bathroom floor.
6 0 ReplyPictured, and enjoyed.
4 0 Reply
its hard to admit it but its the only thing that makes sense the deepstate mustve gotten to them and corrupted their soul or offered them several dollars maybe
3 0 Reply
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