Something that I realized about the fediverse is that you seem to be able to criticize the USA as a whole, but if you criticize the Democrats you get downvoted. Democrats suck they are not sacred cows
If they think their only recourse in all of this is to vote differently next time, they’re more fucked than we think. It’s not about D v R. It’s haves and have-nots. Always was. The sports teams are to distract and divide.
Voting gets so much attention not because it's super effective, but because it's super easy. It's the absolute most efficient change/effort available to us.
Everyone should vote, just as a first step. Even if you don't like DvR there are third parties, write-ins, plus there is municipal and local voting, and issues you can vote on directly on the ballot.
And then after you're done voting, get involved in your local community.
If you're a defeatist/"enlightened centrist", you are a part of the system of oppression.
Vote as far left as possible all the way up, if it ends up as trump v clinton then it should be the lefter of the two.
And Democrats will always take advantage of that. They supported genocide last election. How much further to the right are they going to go? Because they will never move one Planck length to the left.
But if they consistently win it still alter the political landscape such that someone else will have a better chance of enacting actual change in the future.
The two party system is garbage, but if one of the two current parties lost its ability to win entirely then a different second option could appear.
Right now is the perfect time for the progressive caucus -led by AOC, and hiring Katie Porter as consultant- to form a third party WHILE THEY ARE SEATED.
And there are very simpke winning platform planks that can pull EVERYBODY in:
lobbyist bribery as an imprisonable offense
universal health care
cap on tuitions for medical degrees
abolition of private prisons and ban on privatization of government responsibilities
Of course the psychotic Nazi cucks will not accept that last one because they dont understand that profit margins drive costs up and efficiencies down, but still....
Agree. Within legal means, this is the only way to shift the Overton Window back left. When Democrats are secured from Republicans, then we should be pushing for more progressive options. Democrats would not be expanding the concentration camps like the Republicans are.
Fuck legal means, this is yer problem its all pride and democracy this until its dismantled in front of ye. Taking the high road has given ye a petulant retard as a leader. Maybe throw "legal" out the window, they did.
Im not advocating murder, its fascists who will limit protests and strikes. If you adhere to the rule of law you will quickly see protections removed to keep you penned in.
Push the party left and then vote for them. I would personally rathwr have useless weasels in power over soulless ghouls intent on stripping the country bare
That's what many leftists tried to do: push Democrats at least left enough to stop actively committing genocide before they'd vote for them. The Democrats refused to budge.
Ok so your choices are between notnopposing genocide or notnopposing genocide even more. For instance would the man commiyting the genocide send you a gold plated pager to commemorate their terrorism? Thats a good litmus test. Would your leader post AI gen pics of themselves and the genocide leader on a beach in the ethnically cleanser area?
Thisnisnt apples to apples to Gaza/Ukraine will rap te benefits of the lazy american voter.
You say this like its common, I am dfinitely not maga, you realise younhurt your own points by throwing around bs like this.
Things I like and want:
Universal Healthcare
Universal Education
Stronger labour laws
Civil rights and equality
Make public all infrastructure from telecomms to prisons.
They're not my party and I am totally not in support of the genocide or ethnic cleansing. I would sooner see a demilitarised Israel returning to their originally agreed borders.
He absolutely did, he is a major piecenof shit for his comments. But Trump wants to ehnically cleanse and open up a Hilton and Nobu . Its just far worse, would I vote for my mother to die? No but id vote against her rape murder and parading of her corpse through the streets.
What are you on about, I am far left. The analogy was that Ibwould bote for a bad thing, american democrats, against a disgusting cruel thing, the american right.
because letting the right win has to be the stupidest ever way to influence change to the left
Maybe the party shouldn't have done it then. There will never be anything that will get Democrats to move to the left. You know it. You love it. It's why you're gloating with your spoiled milk analogy.
Oh, you gonna gloat too? Ok, hows about the party hold honest primaries for fucking once. Or primaries at all? How's that for step 2? Then again, since you love your sour milk, that's a nonstarter too.
Well, they could take over the green party. They're a small party with even smaller primaries. The left could just saunter in and take it. From there, they could extract concessions from Democrats in exchange for not running. Or run. If Democrats don't want to split the vote, they don't have to field a candidate. It's not like they're interested in winning in the first place.
From there, they could extract concessions from Democrats in exchange for not running. Or run.
Ngl this is kind of a great idea. It's certainly better than what the green party is doing right now.
This does assume the green party will let someone beat Jill Stein. Also IMHO it's a mistake to always go right for the presidency when there should be a focus on local and municipal movements.
But it would be nice to see leftists finally get a win in something.
Why the green party? Why not primary vulnerable downballot democrats?
Use the same tactic the right has used on the republican party over the last 20 years to move the opposition party our direction. Is the green party uniquely positioned or something? They have a terrible track record and at least at one point about a decade ago, were thought to be infested with .ru shills.
The bigger issue is people thinking that voting is the only way to influence anything. Reality is that it is the absolute bare minimum you can and should do. People need to be getting involved in their local communities, their unions, the campaigns for local politicians... you cannot change the whole country and you need to stop trying. Change your immediate area, and let those changes become the new base voters are starting from when making decisions.