At first he was cool and would wash people's cars and picking up animal poop from yards. But it turns out he wasn't helpful. He was gathering materials and was stealing polluted dirt, piles of shit, and anything else he could find into grotesque golems that roam town and do his bidding. It's unbearable to go to the market for some bread and milk only to discover the waste elemental made of animated shit and cigarette butts is there to get groceries for him. It's a fucking nightmare and it makes me want to wear anti magic pendants to fuck up his errands - but that leaves behind unanimated filth that has to be moved by us mundanes. It's so one sided it's like tyranny.
Ours speaks in riddles but I'm really bad at riddles so I'm still unsure of why we hired him in the first place. The last town wizard conjured unspeakable entities and was really good at making balloon animals.
I dont currently have a local wizard but our national wizard does rain dances and heckles evangelical preachers. He was on the city payroll for his services for 20 years until he got cancelled for making a spicy comment in a YouTube video.
Don't worry though he trained an apprentice who carrying the torch and taking over local wizardry.
I love how the town subsidised his heckling until he went online with it. Probably drew the attention of the Council of Five, and then the town had to clean up their image