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Websockets - Gorilla only?

I find it kinda odd that, which is deprecated and the repo is in archive mode, is still the most popular library for websockets.

Case in point:

I'm not saying this is inherently bad, I just wonder why that is.

I guess the most common last words are "How hard could it be?", but why is nobody rolling their own?


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  • I guess it's because gorilla/websocket has had a really big mindshare for a very long time. and no project has had time to catch up and/or provide "reliable" hints that they will maintain that new project for a sizeable long time.

    "the devil you know" and "the technical debt you know"...

    • Yes, and unless WS suddenly change, it'll likely keep working for a long time.

      The reason I'm skittish is because there might be undiscovered security issues, and it feels like a huge chunk of the community just don't care.