Recently noticed some amazon items are 80% more expensive than ebay. Made this post for some tips and tricks on finding the best prices, deals or services for general items.
Here are some off the top of my head.
Government auctions often have the best bang for your buck on some items. (Tech, tools, etc) seems to be the only real coupon website with real coupons. I don't know of any others.
Some mobile and internet providers will offer a discount if you try and cancel.
Insurance companies have been caught buying sensor data from your phone and using it to raise premiums if they detect stuff like sudden stops. To get the best deal, avoid their tracking and don't opt in to their driving performance tracking program.
I found for a lot of tech stuff you just have to frequently check for deals on a regular basis. This has helped me a lot with more generic computer hardware since you do not often need a specific part just something that is relatively cheap for its feature set and brand. Also I have found that if you intend to make an expensive purchase or buy a lot of hardware in a specific area it makes sense to search for that segment frequently or check multiple retailers. Camelcamelcamel is useful for amazon stuff and I have been setting price watches for discounts. Sometimes for products on amazon I will click on a few different products and see if they have significant discounts in the used categories. Sometimes these are just a few dollars but depending on the product they are just returns or sometimes entirely new and sealed. In general just having a lot of knowledge of what your buying and willingness to wait can save you a decent amount of money.