Thank you, yes they both get regular checks now for blood/pee. The older one is understandably a lot happier his entire digestive tract/spleen aren't massively inflamed, we get a lot more cuddles now 😻
In hind sight this testing is something we should have been doing even before they went on the plant based food but i was always taught that cat is just an animal not a person so don't treat them the same (grew up on a farm). Any change in diet for a person/pet/animal friend should be approached with caution and monitored.
You were accusing me of getting a cat allergic to meat... "How'd you manage to get a cat allergic to meat?". Your question was also an accusation, and you even doubled down on it with your allusion to a reason with supplying it.
Now since that backfired and you didnt get the desired response you are resorting to gas lighting. Not sure why you think I can't scroll back and read what you said. Gas lighting works better on people who aren't looking for it.
Next step after gas lighting is usually a personal attack, a last ditch effort to elicit the desired response.
I'd guess you might have NPD, dealt with it before, the cycle is pretty predictable.