For now all I can think of are drugs (every single one, including opioids) and euthanasia (not just for terminal diseases, should be available for everyone who decides to).
People already choose to buy and use fentanyl without a doctors prescription, why should they be treated as criminals? If a junkie commits crimes because they are high, that should be criminal, and if a junkie commits crimes to get more drugs, that should be criminal, but I do not see a purpose in criminalizing fentanyl for consenting adults.
You prohibit Fentanyl because it's so friggin addictive and lethal. Most drugs are rather harmless (as alcohol is "harmless") so sure. Just keep an eye on people and where someone falls off the wagon, have them undergoing forced treatment to get them back okay again.
Fentanyl is like meth, it's too much, there is no such thing as a little bit or any good outcome
I remain unconvinced. fentanyl is already illegal, yet people die from it, so making it illegal is already ineffective. Instead of spending money on police, lets spend it on treatment.