What a shower of twats. Don't block the request in that case, just redirect it to your local server that returns a 1x1 transparent png for all requests.
I always have issues with dns blocking so I tried something sneaky I redirected all DNS requests to and it worked brilliantly, for about a month when it stopped working all together, I don’t know if a cache was wiped or google saw what I was doing and made a special exception just for me, obviously I want to believe I’m a special snowflake taking the world’s largest internet company head on in an epic battle of wits and skill but I think the cache thing might be more likely for some reason.
I wouldn't mind doing it. I run my own DNS so it wouldn't affect me, but I figure if they're already trying they may as well try and perhaps more, so it'd require a bunch of firewall rules.
Now, all of that is moot point cause I hate the whole "smart TV" thing, so they'd never be connected to the internet.
I set up my firewall to block all outgoing traffic to ports 53 and 853 (except for the upstream traffic from my pihole). I suppose DoH could still sneak through though.
I disabled the wifi yes. I deleted the wifi config and cleared the password too.
Dang what an arseholes they are...
I wish there was an easy way to flash it or spoof the update server or some shit that allowed us to change all this ill willed software..