you will end up finding many instances with their own vibe and many communities between all of the various instances to suit your tastes. just give it a chance and look around.
It's a good news bad news situation. Each individual instance can, will, and should moderate as it sees fit. When you pick an instance you pick a community just like in the real world.
Some communities are completely open, anything goes. You are absolutely free to be a gay nazi seal clubber (or any other group that there are people may not like). The drawback is there are entire communities that really hate seal clubbers. Those communities are just as free to block content coming from them.
That is a kind of restriction.
The good news is that the restriction is 100% explicit. There's no invisible algorithm quietly hiding your posts. You just can't force people to see seal clubbing videos if they find them repugnant.
It's not unbiased because communities hosting the instances are not unbiased. But they are the ones in control here and not some company. Anyone can host their own and do what they want.