If you are the moderator of any community on this instance, reply to this post and I will add you as a moderator of this community so that you can create posts within this community.
Your choice(s). Any ones that you would be Interested in for yourself 😊
My hope is that Lemmy will be around for the long haul and that all our communities will continue to grow and gain momentum, so I believe in the more the merrier as far as mod teams go.
Let's start with !eroticphoto and go from there. I think the hentai subs are going to keep me on my toes until I can get some sort of automated tool going, so I'd prefer to keep the load light for now.
I see your post (and replied to it), but somehow I've lost the ability to add you. Just various weirdness happenings since the upgrade from earlier today.
I apologize for not adding you after this exchange - I've just tried adding you again (without success). Please add yourself if you are still OK with taking this on.