I went from Ubuntu to Arch and I think I'm here to stay. Ubuntu was unstable for me for some reason. I would get freezes and crashes all the time. I feel like Canonical is making things slower and bloated but I have had pretty smooth experiences with Linux mint. On Arch I've been getting amazing uptime. But to each ones own, if you like it, who am I to judge.
One of my favorite features of arch is the aur, and because manjaro lags behind arch releases, you can run into trouble. If you want arch without the install difficulties, I would try something like endeaver os or garuda. You'll end up with actual arch in the end and you wont end up with some of outdated certs or whanever manjaro ucks up nowadays.
Mine too, but I did switch because I needed to reinstall and I would have just swiched out most of the tools that come preinstalled, to the point I didn't know why I would even use manjaro instead of arch if I'm reinstlling everything anyway...
People on the internet say to read the wiki and follow the directions but I'm a much more visual learner. If you follow this video, you should be all good if you want to use vanilla Arch. I do not have experience with Manjaro but one of my friends said he used it once and he enjoyed it. Though his cmos battery died and the OS bricked so he switched to Linux Mint. Installing arch might take around 30 min or an hour so it's not the hardest thing ever. I would recommend the archinstall script but that has never worked for me, if you can manage to use that script, setup is even easier.